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The Assassin's Cloak: An Anthology of the World's Greatest Diarists (2000)

by Irene Taylor (Editor), Alan Taylor (Editor)

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561843,837 (4.19)29
"A diary is an assassin's cloak which we wear when we stab a comrade in the back with a pen," wrote William Soutar in 1934. But a diary is also a place for recording everyday thoughts and special occasions, private fears, and hopeful dreams.The Assassin's Cloak gathers together some of the most entertaining and inspiring entries for each day of the year, as writers ranging from Queen Victoria to Andy Warhol, Samuel Pepys to Adrian Mole, pen their musings on the historic and the mundane. Spanning centuries and international in scope, this peerless anthology pays tribute to a genre that is the most intimate of all literary forms. This new updated edition is published to mark the twentieth anniversary of the book's original publication.… (more)

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Showing 1-5 of 8 (next | show all)
Thoroughly enjoyed this book and every time I had to put it down I eagerly looked forward to getting back into it. Well done and good choices from diaries and journals. Reread this at last and it is as good the second time as the first. Spent a lot of time on Google looking up details on the people who's diaries were excerpted in this book. I even ordered a few and started reading a couple I already had like The Greville Memoirs. ( )
  Karen74Leigh | Sep 4, 2019 |
This is a fabulous book! I really enjoyed reading the day's entries before bed. I'm afraid some nights I just couldn't put it down and had to read a few extra days. I met some wonderful people. I am happy that short bios of the writers is included in the back as well as a full bibliography. There are several diarists whose complete diaries I will want to track down. The index of diarists allowed me to search through for favorites. Very thoughtfully put together. I'm grateful that my terrific sister shared this great book with me. I highly recommend! ( )
  njcur | Jul 11, 2019 |
While the format (a 'book of days' containing diary entries) is a good idea, I felt the selection was too heavily weighted in favour of diaries from the Second World War and from twentieth-century entertainers. ( )
  Lirmac | Jan 1, 2017 |
Good book for the bedside table to dip into when you've got a minute. Some of the diarists are (admittedly) unknown to me but it doesn't detract from the enjoyment, after all - who could resist reading someone else's diary? ( )
  MarionII | Apr 24, 2010 |
With its broad remit and the engaging conceit of ordering it by days of the year, this anthology of diary extracts is by turns amusing, saddening, and exciting, but never dull. The format led me to read it daily over the course of a year, which emphasised the rhythm of the collection. It seems to me that the 20th century, particularly the middle years, is over-represented but this is cavilling. ( )
1 vote TheoClarke | Oct 24, 2009 |
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Taylor, IreneEditorprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Taylor, AlanEditormain authorall editionsconfirmed
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'A diary is like a drink,' wrote the Scottish poet, William Soutar, 'we tend to indulge in it over often: it becomes a habit which would ever seduce us to say more than we ought to say and more than we have the experimental qualifications to state.' - Introduction by Alan Taylor
1 January | 1662 | Waking this morning out of my sleep on a sudden, I did with my elbow hit my wife a great blow over her face and nose, which waked her with pain, at which I was sorry, and to sleep again. Samuel Pepys.
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"A diary is an assassin's cloak which we wear when we stab a comrade in the back with a pen," wrote William Soutar in 1934. But a diary is also a place for recording everyday thoughts and special occasions, private fears, and hopeful dreams.The Assassin's Cloak gathers together some of the most entertaining and inspiring entries for each day of the year, as writers ranging from Queen Victoria to Andy Warhol, Samuel Pepys to Adrian Mole, pen their musings on the historic and the mundane. Spanning centuries and international in scope, this peerless anthology pays tribute to a genre that is the most intimate of all literary forms. This new updated edition is published to mark the twentieth anniversary of the book's original publication.

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