Controversial Books for kwalters1966

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Average Rating Your Rating Title
1.177 3.46 People of the Wolf by Kathleen O'Neal Gear
1.008 3.9 The Visitant by Kathleen O'Neal Gear
0.977 3.76 Iberia by James A. Michener
0.956 3.73 Poland by James A. Michener
0.938 3.89 The Covenant by James A. Michener
0.927 3.73 Texas by James A. Michener
0.924 3.76 Excavation by James Rollins
0.922 3.84 Alaska by James A. Michener
0.921 4.11 The Source by James A. Michener
0.913 3.61 Someone to Watch Over Me by Lisa Kleypas
0.901 3.79 Subterranean by James Rollins
0.897 3.79 Map of Bones by James Rollins
0.896 3.72 Ice Hunt by James Rollins
0.891 3.66 Sandstorm by James Rollins
0.883 4.06 Centennial by James A. Michener
0.869 4.04 Hawaii by James A. Michener
0.862 3.74 Deep Fathom by James Rollins
0.861 3.84 People of the Earth by W. Michael Gear
0.849 3.95 Chesapeake by James A. Michener
0.847 4.1 The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
0.834 4.25 Bone Walker by Kathleen O'Neal Gear
0.814 3.51 Tempted by Virginia Henley
0.788 3.85 Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas
0.728 3.88 People of the Raven by Kathleen O'Neal Gear
0.684 4.02 People of the Nightland by W. Michael Gear
0.673 4.05 People of the Silence by Kathleen O'Neal Gear
0.625 3.91 People of the Weeping Eye by W. Michael Gear
0.501 4.05 People of the Moon by W. Michael Gear