June Boon .. .. 2022 God's Mum

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June Boon .. .. 2022 God's Mum

Edited: May 31, 2022, 7:01 pm

God's Mum: I'm reading this book, dear. It supposes the second coming of Jesus Christ Almighty to earth as prophesied in their bible, dear.

God: That is a calculated disaster, what happens next?

God's Mum: Soon after his arrival back on Earth, dear, the Pope dies and Jesus submits an application for the Job, dear.

God: Wow! What a brilliant story-line. What happens when Jesus Christ Almighty becomes Pope?

God's Mum: Sadly, dear, he doesn't even get the interview, dear.

Edited: Jul 31, 2022, 7:41 pm

God's Mum: You can follow her amazing daily story every day here on Librarything.
Each month is clearly shown and you can start anywhere you like. The aim is to bring you, precious reader, one new God's Mum fix every day, stolen from her blog.

For ease of reading, a new topic starts on the 1st of each month. To-date on LT we have:

  1. In the beginning Nov 2021 .. . . Here
  2. And then .. .. .. Dec 2021 .. .. .. Here
  3. New year .. .. .. Jan 2022 .. .. .. Here
  4. After that .. .. .. Feb 2022 .. .. .. Here
  5. March on .. .. .. Mar 2022 .. .. .. Here
  6. April time .. .. . April 2022 .. .. . Here
  7. May Happy .. .. May 2022 .. .. .. Here
  8. June boon .. .. .June 2022 .. .. . Here
  9. July Play .. .. .. July 2022 .. .. .. Here
  10. August All .. .. August 2022 .. .. Here

    God's Mum.
    She'll tell you bible stories
    that you've never heard before .. .. ..

Jun 2, 2022, 7:03 pm

God's Mum: Many of the Earthlings are reading God's Mum on LibraryThing, dear. They are asking questions and wondering if all they read there is true, dear.

God: There is certainly as much truth in God's Mum on LibraryThing as there is in * The God Industry * holy books. LibraryThing always manages to make me laugh with it's irreverent gags and quotes anyway.

God's Mum: And probably contains lots more wisdom, dear.

Jun 3, 2022, 7:25 pm

😎 Laughter is the best medicine. 😎

And it came to pass: ~ I prayed and prayed for a bike with eight gears. One day God answered. He said go and steal one.

Worked for me.

Credit: God's Mum©.

Edited: Jun 4, 2022, 7:10 pm

God's Mum: When John the Baptist told the people "that God's terrible judgement day was near" and called for repentance, dear, he was obviously lying because no such thing ever happened, dear.

God: All part of his franchise. Splash water on their heads, mumble some bullshit they could not understand and they will follow him forever. The first recorded con-man act.

God's Mum: It's no wonder he spawned so many imitators, dear. "Prophets" coming from everywhere, dear. All wanting the easy life, adoring crowds, plus free food and shelter, dear.

God: Too true. And decades later all these "prophets" were amalgamated into one person by the bible authors. That person the bible called "Jesus Christ".

Edited: Aug 1, 2022, 4:26 am

God's Mum: The Earthlings have had a very strange assortment of gods over their short history, haven't they, dear?

God: They seem prepared to believe in anything without using their brains. The Easter Islanders or the Egyptions building their pyramids take a lot of believing but the Earthlings fell for it hook, line and sinker. Now they blindly follow * The God Industry *. Will they ever learn?

God's Mum: Why do you always say that the god invented by Moses (The God of Moses) is the most laughable, dear?

God: He's the one who said "Let there be light". He was so full of wisdom he had been working in the dark for six days...

Edited: Jun 6, 2022, 7:08 pm

God's Mum: So Moses, with his wonderful invention ~ The God of Moses, dear. Why did none of his followers question his going up to the mountain top and speaking to this god all on his own, dear?

God: It is to be expected that at least a few of the followers would have suspected that a genuine god would have come down the mountain and addressed the whole tribe if he really wanted to get his message across.

God's Mum: Logically there must have been a few, dear, but they were probably silenced in the usual religious way, dear.

God: And so it continues in the present day. Gullible Earthlings being taken for a ride by * The God Industry *.

Edited: Jun 7, 2022, 7:02 pm

😎 Laughter is the best medicine. 😎

And it came to pass: ~ The Archbishop of Canterbury, Cardinal Pell and a rabbit go into a blood bank. The rabbit tells the nurse "I think I may be a type O."

Credit: God's Mum©.

Edited: Jun 8, 2022, 7:43 pm

God's Mum: Over 60% of Brits think bishops have no place in parliament, dear.


God: Even so, it would be a sad day if all 26 unelected bishops were kicked out of the house of Lords.

God's Mum: What makes you say that dear?

God: The bishops taking up the seats demonstrates the belligerent, antisocial attitude of
* The God Industry *.
That galvernises the feelings of the 72% of Brit's, who do not approve of the bishops, into making their views known. It's healthy for free-speech that three out of every four Brits do not follow religion or attend church.

God's Mum: And the Church Of England is quite prepared to go against the wishes of the majority in that otherwise democratic country, dear?

God: Historically, * The God Industry * always looks after itself first and last.


Edited: Jun 9, 2022, 7:19 pm

God's Mum: The Church of England (CofE) received £750m of public money in last five years, dear. That's public money being used to support the already very rich church, dear.


God: Over 750 million pounds of public money has been given to the Church of England by the government over the past five years despite its own investments topping £10bn, new figures reveal.

God's Mum: Are you saying that more than £750 million was received by the Church in the form of grants and tax rebates, dear? Despite it holding investments and cash of more than £10 billion, dear?

God: The figures were released by Second Church Estates Commissioner Andrew Selous in response to a series of written parliamentary questions from Labour MP Kerry McCarthy. In September Selous, who as the second estates commissioner speaks for the CoE in the House of Commons, called for even greater government financial support for repairs across its 16,000 parish churches.

But these most recent answers have forced the CofE to acknowledge for the first time the sum of money already being provided. Over the last five years the CofE received £468m in Gift Aid, £118m in Listed Place of Worship grants, £102m in National Lottery Heritage funding and more than £50m in Culture Recovery Grants. In total these sums already exceed the amount Selous states is being spent on necessary building repairs.

Alongside the figures for public support, the CofE also for the first time detailed the amount of investments and cash retained by the Church Commissioners, dioceses and cathedrals. Cathedrals held cash and investments of £574m, the dioceses £1.8 billion and the Church Commissioners £7.6 billion.

God's Mum: All that cash taken by * The God Industry * to supply a worthless product that costs them nothing, dear.

Edited: Jun 10, 2022, 7:16 pm

God's Mum: So you feel that John the Baptist was something of an innovator then, dear?

God: Well he certainly realised that his followers loved to hear bullshit they did not understand. It convinced them that he was knowledgeable and therefore must be a prophet.

God's Mum: That sounds like a formula that was adopted by all the copycats, dear. The bible morphed them all into one character and called him Jesus, dear.

God: Obviously, many saw that John the Baptist was on to a good thing that gave him an easy life. It was the beginning of * The God Industry * cashing in on his franchise.

Jun 11, 2022, 7:01 pm

💙God's Mum: Book Choice of the Month. ~ June 2022💙


The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
by Carl Sagan (Author), Ann Druyan (Author)
Second reading done on 12.11.19 - Because of the current political climate, especially in America, this book is more important now than ever. The relevancy of some passages about the dangers of not thinking critically during political theatrics was striking. The fact that this was written in 1997 and some issues that Sagan brings to light are still current means that the darkness of ignorance is ever enveloping around us, and so we must do our best to keep the candles lit.

It has been almost a year since I've read this wonderful book and whenever I hear false or misleading information being spread on television or online, I refer back to this gem. This was my first jump into the superb works of Carl Sagan and it was one I will never forget. This book opened my eyes to the amazing world of science and has helped me stop and think about how things work and why things are before believing something to be truthful. It has helped me analyze situations differently and has made me a more critical person.

The main theme is the importance of critical thinking. Sagan explains that asking questions leads down the wonderful path of knowledge. Simply accepting a statement at face value can be dangerous and can lead down slippery slope. Science is about experimentation and making observations, recording the results of those tests, coming to a theory or hypothesis and then releasing the information of the research so that other scientists can analyze your work and come to their own conclusions.

Nothing is ever definite in science and the results of one test can be overturned completely by another. The learning process is constant. That is what I find wonderful about the sciences; it is an expansive field that is constantly changing and flipping theories upside down or straight out the window!

Sagan warns about the dangers of religion and pseudo-science and their inability to accept any type of scrutinizing or examination. That leads to blind acceptance. Society should be constantly on its collective toes and be wary of the information being spread. We should all be asking more questions. Question your government. Question your religious institutions.

The chapter titled The Dragon in My Garage was one of my favorites. Definitely eye-opening.

I highly recommend this great book to EVERYONE.

ProfessorEX 💙💙💙💙💙 (Five stars)

Edited: Jun 12, 2022, 7:01 pm

🌼 Words of Wisdom you won't hear in church.🌼

Put it this way: ~ If there ever was a god and if he ever sent a man to Earth, that man's name was Darwin.

Credit: God's Mum©.

Edited: Jun 13, 2022, 7:01 pm

😎 Laughter is the best medicine. 😎

And it came to pass ~ In the area of Jordan River Valley in the early 1st century AD at the Fisherman's Tavern (Loaves, fishes, Beer, Wines, Spirits served all day) adjoining the Holy jetty:

"What a life; just a while ago we had John The Baptist plying his trade beside the River Jordan. Now there are dozens of "prophets" all copying his act."

"And crowds of punters paying to have their sins washed away. Brilliant idea, I can sin all the week then go to the river on Sunday and have god wash it all away for me. Plus you get holy "words of wisdom" thrown in for free."

"What sort of "words of wisdom?"

"My chosen holy prophet - Splash Gordon - told me ~ The sun shines on the clear eyes that see bread freshly baked. ~ "

"Wow! You can't get much more profound than that, can you? I'll come with you next week."

Jun 14, 2022, 7:02 pm

God's Mum: So Abraham's God assisted Abraham in every way he could, dear? He helped Abraham achieve wealth and status, power over slaves and nations, if fact everything that the Bible says Jesus Christ condemned, dear?

God: Studying the bible carefully that is exactly the paradox it presents to the reader in so many of it's fairy-tales
God's Mum: And the bible is presented to the world as a book of "wisdom", dear?

Edited: Jun 16, 2022, 7:32 am

God's Mum: If Putin's war leads to world famine as he intends, dear, do you think other strong nations will follow his example and attack their weaker neighbours and steal their produce, dear?

God: Not a chance. Putin runs a gang of bloodthirsty criminal animals he chooses to call a government. He has lied, cheated, murdered and sneaked for over 20 years against his own people and the rest of the world. No other nation would stoop that low.

God's Mum: I agree, dear. There are some not-too-open countries but nothing to match the disgusting organized crime syndicate Putin runs, dear.

God: I'm sure the rest of the world will organize themselves and achieve a closer co-operation excluding Russia. Russia will never, ever be trusted again on the world stage.

Edited: Jun 16, 2022, 7:05 pm

🌼 Words of Wisdom you won't hear in church.🌼

Put it this way: ~ Belief in god doesn't have much to do with people's moral qualities as people.

Credit: God's Mum©.

Edited: Jun 17, 2022, 7:01 pm

God's Mum: You are making a really good job of looking after our library, dear, thank you so much, dear.

God: It's a pleasure, wonderful to be in there among the books. I have been dipping into your copy of the "Father Ted, The Complete Scripts" and really enjoying them. I am now a fan.

God's Mum: Oh! I am so glad you discovered that book, dear, it is priceless, isn't it, dear?

God: For anyone trying to understand the church-world, it is the book I would recommend.

Edited: Jun 18, 2022, 7:33 pm

God's Mum: The Church of England is paralysed by its privilege in society, it has been said this week, dear.


God: "Parish ministry will thrive once again only if the Church faces up to issues of class and wealth", argues David Ford.
Amazing that it has taken them a couple of generations to work this out.

God's Mum: He says, "As the Church faces unique, even fundamental, challenges about the future of its ministry in this decade, class and economics again take centre stage. The parishes are told to give, give, give; for the Church is poor. In truth, we all know that the Church is abundantly wealthy, but that the centre is determined to hold on to it"

God: The Church of England is stuck in a middle-class philanthropic interpretation of faith. The privilege and security of * The God Industry * are dangerously problematic; they are paralysed by their privilege.

Jun 19, 2022, 7:01 pm

I don't make this stuff up.

Every conversation posted here in God's Mum is a genuine overheard snippet passed on to me by Holy Roly and his wife Poison Ivy (Devine Lawns PLC) who mow God's Mum's grass.

Sworn on Cardinal Pell's Holy Bible. Oct 2018.
See: "Come home Cardinal Pell".

* * *
Credit: God's Mum©

Edited: Jun 20, 2022, 11:36 pm

God's Mum: Schools are insisting on teaching pupils religion, dear. How do you feel about that, dear?

God: I 've been watching the way that is developing, it is astonishing the lengths * The God Industry * will go to indoctrinate children

God's Mum: Is it working, dear. Are more children getting Sincere Religious Beliefs, dear?

God: Quite the reverse. Modern pupils are not slaves. They are tying religious teachers up in knots. It's more like the teachers are the ones learning the lessons and rejecting their faiths.

Jun 21, 2022, 7:31 pm

God's Mum: Putin is making things very bad for the whole world, dear.

God: We have seen many attempts at world domination, they always take the same path and end up the same way.

God's Mum: Very true, dear. It is also always caused by a dirty, sneaking little toe-rag, dear.

God: I saw a few Richard Stark volumes when I was sorting the library .. .. .. you've been reading them lately, haven't you?

Edited: Sep 8, 2022, 11:30 am

🌼 Words of Wisdom you won't hear in church.🌼

"Dad, dad, I don't want to go to church on Sunday."

"Why ever not, Henry?"

" That strange creepy man out in front wearing the weird black and white drag outfit, he's crazy, dad. He insists that fumbling with a few beads and mumbling some prayer will keep us safe at all times, dad. He must think I'm a baby, dad."

"You must believe him, son. Boris Johnson the UK prime-minister believes the same things, son."

" Good for him. But I will be seven next year and I'll be too grown-up to join his government, dad."


Edited: Jun 23, 2022, 7:34 pm

📜📜ChurchSpeak 📜ChurchSpeak 📜ChurchSpeak📜📜

Every month God's Mum features an item of ChurchSpeak. These are unedited passages from church leaders in such obscure church language that they are unintelligible to mere humans. A clear demonstration that * The God Industry * is unable to communicate in the real world.

Pope Francis says Ukraine war was ‘perhaps somehow provoked (Guardian)

Pontiff condemns ‘cruelty’ of Russian troops while warning against perception of conflict as good v evil... the pontiff condemned the “ferocity and cruelty of the Russian troops” while warning against what he said was a fairytale perception of the conflict as good versus evil. “We need to move away from the usual Little Red Riding Hood pattern, in that Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad one,” he said. “Something global is emerging and the elements are very much entwined”... Francis added that a couple of months before the war he met a head of state, who he did not identify but described as “a wise man who speaks little, a very wise man indeed … He told me that he was very worried about how Nato was moving. I asked him why, and he replied: ‘They are barking at the gates of Russia. They don’t understand that the Russians are imperial and can’t have any foreign power getting close to them.’” He added: “We do not see the whole drama unfolding behind this war, which was, perhaps, somehow either provoked or not prevented”...

Ukraine war 'perhaps in some way either provoked or not prevented,' says Pope Francis (CNN)

"What we are seeing is the brutality and ferocity with which this war is waged by the troops, generally mercenary, used by the Russians," the pontiff reportedly said... "But the danger is that we only see this, which is monstrous, and we do not see the whole drama that is unfolding behind this war, which was perhaps in some way either provoked or not prevented. And I register an interest in testing and selling weapons. It is very sad, but basically this is what is at stake," he said. The Pope said he is not "in favor" of Russian President Vladimir Putin but "simply against reducing complexity to the distinction between good and bad, without thinking about roots and interests, which are very complex." "While we see the ferocity, the cruelty of the Russian troops, we must not forget the problems to try to solve them," he added... the Pope said the invasion of Ukraine "has now been added to the regional wars that for years have taken a heavy toll of death and destruction." "Yet here the situation is even more complex due to the direct intervention of a 'superpower' aimed at imposing its own will in violation of the principle of the self-determination of peoples"...

Meanwhile, back in the real world ...

Edited: Jun 24, 2022, 7:17 pm

God's Mum: Church congregations abound with Gullibility and Credulity, dear. Why do you think that is, dear?

God: "Gullibility and Credulity are considered undesirable qualities in every department of human life - except religion. Humans are praised by godly men for surrendering their common sense when entering a church." It's a quote from Christopher Hitchens that will stand the test of time.

God's Mum: Looking at * The God Industry * those effects are highly visible from the very top to the lowest church wardens, dear.

Jun 25, 2022, 7:19 pm

God's Mum: Putin and his KGB mate Kirill, head of Russia's dodgy church, are on the warpath, dear.

God: Today Kirill slipped on Holy Water in his church service. Yes, I said Holy Water ! He convinces his congregation the the water he is using is somehow Holy, (cheap too). Hard to believe how easily humans are fooled, isn't it?

God's Mum: Other leaders are anxious to appease them, dear. Before they turn really ugly, dear.

God: It's too late for that...

Edited: Jun 27, 2022, 4:45 am

🌼 Words of Wisdom you won't hear in church.🌼

Put it this way: ~ Religion and * The God Industry * are too defective to be of reliable use in making a better world.

Credit: God's Mum©.

Edited: Jun 27, 2022, 9:08 pm

>1 Jammy1:

God's Mum: Finished reading my book, dear. Very well written and illuminating, dear.

God: I just love the concept of Jesus Christ after his second coming, being turned down for the job of Pope.

God's Mum: Can you imagine the character the bible calls Jesus visiting the Vatican, dear? He would be horrified at what he finds. The whole sordid set of rituals, the stage costumes, the opulence, the hypocrisy, I could go on and on, dear.

God: He would have no choice but to do a Sodom and Gomorrah job on them ...

Jun 28, 2022, 7:00 pm

God's Mum: When the film The Life of Brian was first released in 1979 it was hailed by earthlings as Monty Python's finest parody, dear.

God: It was also denounced by a few as the most blasphemous film of all time.

God's Mum: With its unforgettable song, 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life', dear and its infinitely quotable script The Life of Brian has since gone on to become an enduring cult classic, dear.

God: Brilliant script writing from knowledgeable writers. We have a copy in our library and I dip into it often.

Edited: Jun 30, 2022, 6:31 pm

🌼 Words of Wisdom you won't hear in church.🌼

Put it this way: ~ Having searched and searched, I cannot find one word in the gospels in praise of intelligence.

Credit: God's Mum©.

- - - -
Thanks for being with God's Mum all the way through June. A new topic, "💛 Today 💛 July Play" takes over Here

We all look forward to seeing you over there.

We love all your irreverent gags, quotes and ideas messaged to our wall, please keep 'em coming. If you don't see them used, hang on, they almost certainly will be soon. Our tiny team have a lot of fun reading and adapting as requested.

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