Book Events for JuliusRedzinski

Events within the books in JuliusRedzinski's library

11th century

16th century

1998 Assassination of PLO commando leader Abu Jihad

19th century

20th century

9/11 Attacks

African-American Civil Rights Movement

American Civil War

The Anarchy

Anglo Saxon period

Anglo-Spanish War

Anti-Rent War

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Attack on Pearl Harbor

The attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II

Attica Prison Riot

Babington Plot

Bacon's Rebellion

Battle of Britain

Battle of Hastings

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of the Hornburg

Battle of Waterloo

Black Death

The Blitz

Bloody Sunday

Bombing of Dresden

Bombing of Libya

Boxer Rebellion

Bulgarian 9 June 1923 coup d'etat

Chilean Coup


Classical Antiquity

Cold War

Coronation of Aragorn

Coronation of Otto I.

The Council of Elrond

Cádiz Raid

Death of Smaug

Destruction of Isengard

Destruction of the One Ring

Dorr Rebellion

Dragon Day

Dreyfus Affair

Eastern Slavic Wars

El Mozote Massacre


Elizabethan Era

Ernesto Castillo's father either dies or is assassinated

Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

February Revolution

Feminist Movement

Fin de siècle

First permanent Russian settlement in Alaska

Flour Riot of 1837

Fourth Crusade

Great Depression

Great Fire of Smyrna

Greco-Turkish War

Greek Civil War

Guerre d'Algérie

Guerre d'Indochine

Gunpowder Plot

Haymarket Massacre


Hundred Years' War

Hurricane Donna

The Ides of March


Impeachment and Trial of President Bill Clinton

Indonesian Invasion of East Timor

Invasion of Czechoslovakia

Invasion of Grenada

Iran-Contra Affair

Iraqi war

Jazz Age

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry

July Revolution

June Rebellion

Klondike Gold Rush

Korean War

Lebanese Civil War

London Blitz

May 1968

Mayaguez incident

Mexican Revolution

The Mexican Revolution

Mexican-American War

Middle Ages

Million Man March

My Lai Massacre

Nanking massacre, 1937

Napoleonic Wars

Nat Turner's slave rebellion

Nazi Germany; World War II

New Orleans school desegregation crisis

Nineteen Year Winter

Norman Conquest of England

Normandy Invasion

October Revolution

Oklahoma City Bombing

Olympic Games

Operation Gothic Serpent

Operation Plumbat

Opium Wars

Papal Election

Paris Commune

Persian Gulf War

Philippine-American War


Prague Spring


Resignation of Richard M. Nixon

Roe v. Wade

Royal marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton

Russia sells Alaska to the USA

Russian Civil War

Russian Revolution

Rwandan Genocide

The Sack of Magdeburg

Second Sino-Japanese War

Seminole Wars

September 11 Attacks

Shays' Rebellion

Siege of Paris

Sinking of the Spanish Armada

Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff

Six-Day War

Spanish Civil War

Spanish Golden Age

Spanish Renaissance

Spanish-American War

Spring Offensive

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Stonewall Riots


Super Bowl

Third Reich

Thirty Years' War

Three Mile Island Accident

Tlatelolco massacre

The Tri-Wizard Tournament

Trojan War

United States invasion of Panama

United States occupation of Veracruz

United States presidential election

Vietnam War

Waco Branch Davidian Siege

War in Afghanistan

War of the Ring

War on Terrorism

Watergate Scandal

Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem

Wonga Coup

World War I

World War II

World War II, Eastern Front

World War II, German Occupation of France

World War II, Pacific Theater

World War II, Ultra

World War III

Wounded Knee Massacre

WTO Protests of 1999

Year of German-Russian cultural exchange in 2003