Publisher SeriesБиблиотека приключений


Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe 23,367 copies, 323 reviewsI, 1
Ascanio by Alexandre Dumas 63 copies, 2 reviewsII, 2
Pylaiushchii ostrov. by Aleksandr Kazant͡sev 2 copiesII, 3
The Magellan Nebula by Stanisław Lem 68 copies, 1 reviewII, 5
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle 5,195 copies, 86 reviewsI, 5
Two Captains by Veniamin Kaverin 61 copies, 1 reviewI, 8
"Pokhititeli brilliantov". by Луи Буссенар 6 copiesI, 9
Plutonia by Wladimir Obrutschew 62 copies, 3 reviewsI, 11
Kortik Bronzovaya Ptica by Анатолий Наумович Рыбаков 3 copiesI, 13
Krasnym po belomu. Rasskazy o Sherloke Khomse. by Artur Konan Doil 1 copyII, 14
The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper 13,300 copies, 125 reviewsI, 16
Kahe ookeani saladus : [teaduslik-fantastiline romaan] by Grigori Adamov 29 copiesI, 18
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas 21,461 copies, 253 reviewsI, 19
The Lady of Blossholme / The Country Beyond by Genri Raider. Khaggart 1 copyII, 20
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins 10,859 copies, 251 reviewsI, 20

Collections and Selections

