Book Events for Powerslave214

Events within the books in Powerslave214's library

1035 Bjarne Sigvatson's expedition lands at what is now New York, USA.

12th century




17th century

18th century






2003 Emerald Dolphin is on fire in the South Pacific Ocean.

2003 Mongol Invader and Coral Wanderer meet off New York City, USA.


21st century

2358 A.D.

Acquired claim to Sargol

Age of Sail

Airplane testing at Edwards AFB, California,

Alien Invasion

American Civil War

American Revolution

Anglo Saxon period

Apollo 11

Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Apollo program


Arrival of the Klingons in Seattle

Arrival of the Mail Order Brides in Seattle

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Attack on Klingon Ambassador's Ship

Battle of Agincourt

Battle of Britain

Battle of Camlann

Battle of Cresson Springs

Battle of Crécy

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Hastings

Battle of Hattin

Battle of Hoth

Battle of Poitiers

Battle of Stamford Bridge

Battle of the Hornburg

Battle of the Somme

Battle of Waterloo

Big Bang

Breaking the Sound Barrier

Bringing of the prize to Earth for Examination

Bronze Age

Butlerian Jihad

Caenozoic Era

Chicago World's Fair


Classical Antiquity

Cold War

Cold War [in Star Wars]

Contacted by the Rey

Coronation of Aragorn

Coronation of King Arthur

The Council of Elrond

Crimean War



Dance Macabre

Data receives a chance to become human

Dead Romulan Bird of Prey drifts out of Neutral Zone

Death of Edith Keeler

Death of Morpheus

Death of Smaug

Destruction of Earth

Destruction of Isengard

Destruction of the One Ring

The Disappearance of the Dolphins

Discovery of native intelligent life on water planet Akkalla

Discovery of the Guardian of Forever

Discovery of the Rimbold

Dominion War

Earth-Romulan War

Edo period or Tokugawa period

El Niño

Elite Conscription Act

End of the Third Age

End of the Universe

English Civil War

Eruption of Rakatan Mons - the galaxy's largest stratovolcano

Explosion on Praxis, a Klingon Moon

Fall of Rome

First Crusade

First Succession War

Founding of Amazing Stories magazine.

Fourth Crusade

French Revolution

Funeral of Admiral Lord Nelson

Galactic Civil War

Games Day 1985

Genesis creation narrative

Genroku Akō incident

Golden Age of Comic Books

Graduates from the secret Crime College begin to revert to their former lives of crime.

Grail Question

Great Depression

The Great Wars

Guy Fawkes Night

Halley's Comet


Having met the Rithrim, Uhura returns to her crew to help identify the raiders


The Hounds of God

How Nobody Came to the Graveyard

Hundred Years' War

Hyakki Yako

Hyborian Age

Infiltration of a Klingon cargo ship

Introduction of Dane Thornson

Introduction of the Solar Queen

Investigate Unexplained Gravitational destinies

Invited to participate in The First Great Starship Race

Jacobean Era


Journey to the Grey Havens

Kefauver Hearings

Kefauver Senate Hearings

Kentares Massacre

Kidnapping of Six Warrantors of the Peace of the Federation

Korean War

La Niña

Love Triangle between Kirk, Spock and Sola Thane, Free Explorer

Maiden Flight of USS Enterprise NCC-1701

Man-Kzin Wars

Manhattan Project

May Day

Medieval Era

Medieval period

Mesozoic Era

Middle Ages

Mongol Invasion of Europe

Moon Landing

Mutiny on the Bounty

Napoleonic Wars

The New Friend

Norman Conquest of England

Nuclear winter


Peloponnesian War

Peninsular War

Prehistoric Age

Preventing a Rihansu-Federation war

Publication of "The Hobbit"

Publication of "The Lord of the Rings"

Quest for the Holy Grail

Quest of Erebor


The Reappearance of Earth

Reign of Edward I, King of England

Reign of Edward II, King of England

Reign of Edward III, King of England

Rhiansu genetic manipulation of Vulcan DNA

Roanoke Colony

Roman Empire

Rubicon Science Fiction Convention

Sack of Constantinople

Scarlet Fever Epidemic

Screaming Fist

Second Crusade

Second Crusade

Second Succession War

Seeking the homeworld of the Eeiauoans to stop a plague - by way of a song

Seeking the source of the Nexus system and how it works.

Seldon Crisis

September 11 Attacks

Seventh Crusade

Siege of Antioch

Siege of Jerusalem

Space exploration

Spock appears to become a religious leader for the people of Kyros

Spock escapes somewhwere in the past - without his memory

Star Empire stolen by terrorists

Stranded in the Klingon Empire 100 years from now.


Third Crusade

Third Crusade

Third Succession War

Transatlantic Cable laid

Transportation of Diplomatic Party on Enterprise. Naturally things go wrong!

Transportation of Diplomats through rift to Caligar

Trojan War

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly One

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly Two

Uhura assined to Lexington for linguistic duties on diplomatic mission with Rithrim.

Unaligned Midwigans face global famine

Unexplained deaths in Vulcan Academy Hospital

Vietnam War

Viking Age

War of the Five Kings

War of the Races

War of the Ring

War of the Usurper

The Witches's Headstone

World War I

World War II

World War II, Pacific Theater

World War III

World's Columbian Exposition


Xandian attacked by unknown forces

Xenocide of the Formics