deep220 50 State Challenge

TalkFifty States Fiction (or Nonfiction) Challenge

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deep220 50 State Challenge

Edited: Jan 7, 1:07 pm

List of States:

1. Alabama-
2. Alaska- Northern Lights by Nora Roberts
3. Arizona- The Host by Stephanie Meyer
4. Arkansas- Grave Sight by Charlaine Harris
5. California- Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
6. Colorado- The Diary of Mattie Spencer by Sandra Dallas
7. Connecticut-
8. Delaware-
9. Florida-
10. Georgia-Midnight in the Garden of Good or Evil by John Berendt
11. Hawaii-Spider Bones by Kathy Reichs
12. Idaho-
13. Illinios- Devil in the White City by Erik Larsen
14. Indiana-
15. Iowa- Alice's Tulips by Sandra Dallas
16. Kansas- The Scent of Rain and Lightening by Nancy Pickard
17. Kentucky-
18. Louisiana- Dead Until Dark by Charlene Harris
19. Maine- Charming the Highlander by Janet Chapman
20. Maryland- Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts
21. Massachusettes- The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen
22. Michigan- Superior Death by Nevada Barr
23. Minnesota- Shiver by Maggie Steifvater
24. Mississippi- Turning Angel by Greg Iles
25. Missouri-
26. Montana- Smoke Jumper by Nicholas Evans
27. Nebraska-
28. Nevada-
29. New Hampshire-
30. New Jersey-
31. New Mexico-
32. New York- Entombed by Linda Fairstein
33. North Carolina- Flash and Bones by Linda Fairstein
34. North Dakota-
35. Ohio- Beloved by Toni Morrison
36. Oklahoma- The Innocent Man by John Grisham
37. Oregon-
38. Pennsylvania-
39. Rhode Island- My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult
40. South Carolina-
41. South Dakota- Latoka Woman by Mary Crow Dog
42. Tennessee-
43. Texas- Caine's Reckoning by Sarah McCarty
44. Utah-
45. Vermont-
46. Virginia- Love and Hate in Jamestown by David Price
47. Washington- A Bride in the Bargain by Deanna Geist
48. West Virginia-
49. Wisconsin-
50. Wyoming-

visited 27 states (54%)
Try Neptyne, the programmable spreadsheet

Jan 26, 2010, 11:03 am

Or, as you speak, and we listen! :-)

Welcome. Its a fun group!

Edited: Jan 26, 2010, 11:42 am

Caine's Reckoning by Sarah McCarty
5 of 5 stars

This book it alitte harder to write a review on then others. We meet Desi as Caine and the Hell's Eight Rangers are tracking her kidnappers across the Texas plains. Desi is a hell cat in her defiance of her captures. It is for that reason that she catches the eye of Caine. The other women kidnapped will have nothing to do with her, which adds to Caine's sense of protect over Desi. As her past comes out Desi has been treated horribly in the hands of men. This is were some of the book annoyed me slightly. Caine is your typically alpha dominate male character. But at times to me he almost came off as cold. He could have been more understanding. But of course they work it out. Over all I loved the book. It made you cry, was hot and steamy and all the characters of Hell's Eight Ranch are equally interesting. I will be reading the next books. Can't wait to see what she develops with Tracker and his brother.

Jan 26, 2010, 11:46 am

Charming the Highlander by Janet Chapman
5 of 5 stars

A little magic, some time travel and a fling with a scottish warrior. I couldn't ask for more in a romance novel. Needless to say I loved Charming the Highlander. Grace is returning home to Maine after losing her sister in a car accident. Greylen and Grace are thrown together when the plane they are traveling on crashes in the mountains

Feb 3, 2010, 12:59 pm


Turning Angel by Greg Iles
4 of 5 stars

Turning Angel is the second book in the Penn Cage series. Penn Cage is a retired prosecutor who moved back home to Natchez, Mississippi were he writes his best seller novels. In Turning Angel, Penn finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation. Kate Townsend, a beautiful, and intellegent teenager is found murdered and raped floating the the Natchez River. Drew Elliot, Penn's best friend and the one of the town's well respected physicians confessed to Penn that he has been having an affair with Kate. As soon as word of this gets out to Drew is charged with Kate's murder. Penn works with his babysitter Mia, to follow Kate's life, through rave's, drug dealers, and the sexual relationships of the teenage girls in Natchez. Penn must race to find out what happened to Kate to save Drew from being convicted and sentenced to death. I loved the Quiet Game, book one in the Penn Cage Series, which deals with soutern secrets and racism of the past. However, I believe the best Greg Iles novel I have read was Blood Memory.

Edited: Mar 12, 2010, 1:31 pm

New York

Entombed by Linda Fairstein
5 of 5 stars

It is safe to say that Linda Fairstein is one of my favorite writers for mysteries. Entombed was no disappointment. Alex Cooper stumbles on a case while attending a society function held in Edgar Allen Poe's old house in the Bronx. The construction crew come across a body of a women entombed in the basement of the home. The terrifying thought is that it appears that she was entombed alive. So Alex and Mike are working on the case following clues that seem to parallel with Poe himself. Including, the Raven Society, a secret society dedicated to Poe. At the same time, the silk stocking serial killer once again becomes active. I am no great fan of Edgar Allen Poe, but have read a handful of his stories and poems. I really enjoyed the historical information about the man that was woven into the mystery it's self. In fact I may now have to go in search of a biography of Edgar Allen Poe. 5 out of 5 stars, any book that inspires you to want to read further into a subject definitely deserves it.

Mar 12, 2010, 1:31 pm


Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
5 of 5 stars

Sarah knows from the start that she was never suppost to be born. Her own father had even said so. By the time she is eight, Sarah has been sold into prostitution. Duke teaches his little Angel all the cruelities that can imagined. When Angel makes her way the west she has no dreams left, no hope, she has turned herself into stone. Until Michael Hosea, drags her out of her life and begins to nurse her back into health. Can Angel put aside everything she has endured in her life? Can she learn to take the Lord into her heart? This book will reduce you to tears more times then not. But is shows the profound power there is in God's redeeming love.

Mar 29, 2010, 4:00 pm


Beloved by Toni Morrison
5 of 5 stars

"124 was spiteful. Full of baby's venom. The women in the house knew it and so did the children." Beloved drew me into the story from the first line, part historical part supernatural. This is a novel that will stay with you long after the last line.

May 11, 2010, 2:03 pm


Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
5 of 5 stars

Absolulely loved it. Had to run out and get the rest of the series... even rented the HBO True Blood series (also thought was great).

May 13, 2010, 4:54 pm

South Dakota

Lakota Woman by Mary Brave Bird
5 of 5 stars

My grandfather was Native American. Now that he has passed, I realize the wealth of information and heritage that was lost. That is what compelled my interest in Native American studies. I know very little of his experiences growing up on a reservation or the struggles with racism he dealt with. He was a very proud stubborn man and rarely spoke of difficult times. I would highly recommend Lakota Woman. Not only does it give a very clear recounting of trials that were endured by Native Americans during the mid 1960's-1980, but explains the beliefs and customs many Native Americans. The confusion and anger felt by many Native Americans by the governments treatment comes through. Also, with the strength of their convictions to maintain who they are as a people. I am looking forward to further Native American readings.

Jun 21, 2010, 9:46 am


Alice's Tulips by Sandra Dallas
4 of 5 stars

Alice has moved with her husband Charlie to his family’s farm in Iowa. The book opens with Charlie joining the Northern fight in the Civil War. Alice's story is told in a series of letters to her sister back east. Touching on everything from her mother in-law's dislike of her, the unfairness of having to more than her share of hard labor on the farm, her fondness for town gossip and pride in her quilting. Alice gets herself in and out of trouble, in this very cute read. I still prefer The Diary of Mattie Spencer(5 stars -have actually re-read it couple of times in the last few years) as that has been the best Sandra Dallas book I have read yet.

Jun 22, 2010, 9:01 am


Grave Sight by Charlaine Harris
4 of 5 stars

Harper Collins is special, when she was a teen she was struck by lightning. That incident left her with the ability to detect dead bodies and to see the last few moments of their life. Now she and her brother Tolliver travel together using her ability to make a living. Only her next assignment draws her into a town that has a lot of secrets. Although they hired her service, it doesn't seem like the town wants anything found. As Harper and Tolliver get caught up in the killers plot, they struggle to solve the murders, and leave safely. I am a huge fan of the Sookie Stackhouse series, so I thought I would give Charlaine Harris other series a try. Overall it was a good read I am sure I will go on to continue the series. Not as good as the Sookie series, and something about Harper and Tollivers relationship is just weird.

Jun 22, 2010, 6:07 pm

#11 Just found this thread and have enjoyed seeing what books you've been reading. I'm currently working on Alice's Tulips and find myself struggling to stay with it. You call it a "very cute read" and maybe that is the problem - too cute. I'm finding the letters format tedious and it is coming across almost as an intermediate reader - you know, 5th or 6th grade. I think that the short, simple sentences and first person voice are what is bothering me most. I'm about 1/4 the way in, and I hope you can tell me that it will soon be getting much better!

Your New York book, Entombed sounds interesting, though. I'm going to go take a closer look.

Jun 23, 2010, 9:28 am

Unfortunately sjmccreary, the writing style does not improve further into the book. However, Alice's character does start to look on things in a more adult perspective. In the beginning she focuses mostly on her distaste of hard farming labor, her mother in-laws criticism, and her love of gossiping. As the war drags on, Alice does have to take on some larger challenges, but she still keeps some of her petty childish nature. I would recommend The Diary of Mattie Spencer over Alice's Tulips. I am reading a third book by the author now, New Mercies, they all seem to have a simpler writing style, but Alice's Tulips definately has the youngest tone.

Jul 13, 2010, 9:51 am


The Host by Stephanie Meyer
5 of 5 stars

I typically don't read a lot of science fiction but thought since I enjoyed Stephanie Meyers Twilight series I would give her a try. Fortunately I was more than a little pleasantly surprised. The Host is more of a romantic science fiction ( I think I actually cried through about half of the book).

The Souls invasion of earth is a peaceful one. As Souls themselves are peaceful creatures that recoil from aggressive behavior. As they colonize earth every few humans are harmed as the Souls need the human bodies to survive. That is why they travel through space, colonizing planets as they go by taking over the bodies of the native species. After that, they become their new hosts, living as they would in an idyllic world without wars, hunger or disease. However, the few humans left do not view the peaceful invasion and control of their loved ones in such a postivie light. They have formed a resistance to the Souls that try to inhabit them. The Wanderer is an old soul that has traveled to many planets in her life. She is chosen for her host Melanie, because of her experience. But still Melanie, refuses to fade away and as their minds fight. The Wanderer comes to realize what the Souls' invasion meant to Humans. All the other previous worlds the Wanderer has experienced could not prepare her for the emotions associated with a young woman in love. As the minds battle for control, they come to an uneasy alliance as Melanie’s feelings are becoming the Wanderers also. Through this truce, they decide to go looking for their loved one, Jared the man they love and Jamie, Melanie’s younger brother. I found it easy to like the Wanderer's character as she was a gentle and loving soul that struggled to understand human emotions.

Edited: Aug 6, 2010, 9:07 am


The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen
4 of 5 stars

Someone is killing women in Boston in a very gruesome and ritualistic manner. The killer is threatening Doctor Catherine Cordell. Is it someone she knows? Someone she works with? She was attacked two years ago by a doctor she worked with and the similarities to these killings are striking. But she killed her attacker, so how could this be happening again? Gerritsen weaves all these questions together in a spellbinding mystery. The Characters are strong and well developed. I especially liked detective Thomas Moore. He isn't as dark as Harry Bosch in Michael Connelly's books, but he is just as sensitive and likeable. The dialog is snappy and believable and moves the story along at a brisk pace. The ending is action filled and absolutely riveting. An great read.

Aug 6, 2010, 10:41 am


A Bride in the Bargain by Deeanne Gist
5 of 5 stars

This book was so hard to put down, so I didn't just stayed up til 3 in the morning to finish it. Anna Ivey is a 19 year old, orphaned by the Civil War who decides to move from Granby, Massachusetts; she decides to embark on a journey by boat with dozen's of other women and heads toward the west coast in hopes to find a job. Joe Denton is a Lumberjack who owns 640 aches of luscious forest, who is in dire need of a wife in order to keep his land. So Joe reluctently participates in Asa Mercer business venture to bring back wives for the local bachlors, at a price of 300 dollars of course. Only when Anna Ivey arrives she has no idea that she was intented to be a bride, having singed a contact with Mr. Mercer to be given employment as a cook. I loved both Anna and Joes character (along with the rest of the Lumberkjacks). Would highly recommend and read again.

Nov 23, 2010, 10:24 am

Rhode Island

My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult
5 of 5 stars

Every part of this book just ripped my heart of and infuriated me. So of course I loved it. It was impossible to put down, walk away from or stop thinking about all day long.

Nov 23, 2010, 7:36 pm


The Diary of Mattie Spencer by Sandra Dallas
5 of 5 stars

Jan 31, 2011, 10:59 am


The Devil in the White City by Erik Larsen
5 of 5 stars

Great Great Book. I love it when a non-fiction reads like a thriller. I was so captivated by the story. Even the architectural background and techniques were very entertaining. What everyone was up against in Chicago to make the world fair happening was overwhelming. It's a marvel what they were able to accomplish against such odds. I live in Michigan so Chicago is only a couple hours away from me. Which for me made the story even more engrossing. I also work for U of M and when I found out H.H. Holmes was a student here for the dissection curriculum it was just spooky. Highly recommend this book.

Feb 6, 2011, 3:04 pm


Spider Bones by Kathy Reichs
5 of 5 stars-

Fantastic. Only down side I have another year to wait before the next Temperance Brennan novel comes out.

From the cover:

John Lowery was declared dead in 1968, the victim of a Huey crash in Vietnam, his body buried long ago in North Carolina. Four decades later, Temperance Brennan is called to he scene of a drowning in Hemmingford, Quebec. The victim appears to have died while in the midst of a bizarre sexual practice. The corpse is later identified as John Lowery. But how could Lowery have died twice, and how did an American soldier end up in Canada?

Tempe sets off for the answer, exhuming Lowery's grave in North Carolina and taking the remains to Hawaii for reanalysis - to the headquarters of JPAC, the U.S. military's Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, which strives to recover Americans who have died in past conflicts. In Hawaii, Tempe is joined by her colleague and ex-lover Detective Andrew Ryan and by her daughter, who is recovering from her own tragic loss. Soon another set of remains is located, with Lowery's dog tags tangled amongst them. Three bodies - all identified as Lowery.

And then Tempe is contacted by Perry Hadley, Honolulu's flamboyant medical examiner, who needs help identifying the remains of an adolescent boy found offshore. Was he the victim of a shark attack? Or something much more sinister?

Feb 10, 2011, 1:26 pm


Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt
4 of 5 stars

What a great story!! I was immediately engrossed in the colorful characters (such as a performing cross dresser Lady Chablis, a man that walks an imaginary dog and a voodoo priestess) and scandals of Savannah Georgia. I would have given Midnight in the Garden of Good or Evil a hands down 5 stars except for the second half of the story with became too wrapped up in the trial of socialite Jim Williams and didn’t focus as much on its eccentric inhabitants. Once again I have no idea why this book has lingered so long on my shelf. This year I have unearthed some hidden gems.

Feb 15, 2011, 4:21 pm


Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
4 of 5 stars

I actually made an attempt at this book 2 years ago. At the time I was just not feeling it. Everytime I started to read I just got distracted but the story seemed so cute. So I gave it another try and I am very glad I did. I will be looking forward to the next book in the series.

From the cover:

For years, Grace has watched the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow-eyed wolf—her wolf—is a chilling presence she can't seem to live without. Meanwhile, Sam has lived two lives: In winter, the frozen woods, the protection of the pack, and the silent company of a fearless girl

Edited: Feb 24, 2011, 9:37 am


Northern Lights by Nora Roberts
4 of 5 stars

I am not normally a big fan of Nora Roberts. I picked up Northern Lights because the location and colorful Alaskan characters caught my eye. I was not disappointed. The main character Police Chief Nate is from the lower 48 and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about his exploits while learning to handle an Alaskan winter, the characters that inhabited Lunacy (being flora, fauna or resident) and discovering love.

From the back Cover:

Lunacy, Alaska, was Nate Burke’s last chance. As a Baltimore cop, he’d watched his partner die on the street—and the guilt still haunts him. With nowhere else to go, he accepts the job as Chief of Police in this tiny, remote Alaskan town. But just as he wonders whether this has been all a big mistake, an unexpected kiss on New Year’s Eve under the brilliant Northern Lights of the Alaska sky lifts his spirit and convinces him to stay just a little longer.

Edited: Mar 18, 2011, 9:23 am


21640::Smoke Jumper by Nicholas Evans
4 of 5 stars

I would have rated the Smoke Jumper 5 of 5 expect that parts of the book still leave you feeling broken hearted. I still feel like I could cry for these fictional characters, which is good and bad.

From Amazon:
New York born and bred, Julia Bishop has no warning that spending the summer counseling troubled teens in Montana will change her life forever. Happily in love with smoke jumper and musician Ed Tully, she looks forward to spending the summer weekends with him in Missoula and is stunned and disturbed by the instant connection she feels to his best friend, Connor Ford. Connor, a Montana rancher and smoke jumper, loves fighting fires almost as much as he loves photography, and before the summer is barely started, he loves Julia Bishop just as deeply. The bond between the three is strong but the work of a smoke jumper is fraught with danger and the trio soon face death by fire. Survival changes their lives forever and places them on paths that divide Julia, Ed, and Connor just as surely as their individual journeys bind them irrevocably together. The Smoke Jumper is a tale of loyalty and guilt, honor and selfless love, and the human cost of choices made.

Jun 7, 2011, 12:46 pm


Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts
4 of 5 stars

May 7, 2012, 2:40 pm


Superior Death by Nevada Barr

Okay I am converted... a definite Nevada Barr fan. I am already started on Blood Lure (too bad I have already completed the state of Montana).

North Carolina-

Flash and Bones by Kathy Reichs

As always a great book by a fabulous author... one of my favorite.


The Innocent Man by John Grisham

I could barely finish this book only because my blood pressure was sky high. The injustice in this case was astounding, like I said I couldn't even stand to read anymore.

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