Book Events for earthsinger

Events within the books in earthsinger's library

Summary: 378 Events.

12th century BCE


16th century

1788-89 US presidential election

1792 US presidential election

1796 presidential election

17th century

1800 US presidential election




18th century

1925 Tri-State Tornado




1953 Ionian Earthquake




1976 UK heat wave



19th century

2008 Presidential Campaign

2010 Canterbury earthquake

2011 Christchurch earthquake

33rd Acqui Infantry Division Massacre

7 July 2005 London bombings

74th Annual Hunger Games

75th Annual Hunger Games

9/11 Terrorist Attacks, Twin Towers and Pentagon

Accession of Elizabeth I

Afghan Civil War

African-American Civil Rights Movement

Age of Sail

AIDS epidemic

Amarna Period

American Civil War

American Revolution

The Anarchy

Anglo Saxon period

Antebellum South


Armenian Genocide

Arrival at the Library

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Assassination of Leon Trotsky

Assassination of Medgar Evers

Assassination of Thomas D'Arcy McGee

Assassination of William McKinley

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Bangladesh War of Independence

Bar Kokba revolt

Bataan Death March

Battle at Burning plains

Battle of Actium

Battle of Ball's Bluff

Battle of Bannockburn

Battle of Borodino

Battle of Bosworth Field

Battle of Britain

Battle of Culloden

Battle of King's Mountain

Battle of Kulikovo, 1380

Battle of Laverstoke

Battle of Monmouth Courthouse

Battle of Saratoga

Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of the Hornburg

Battle of the Somme

Battle of Waterloo

Birth of Margaret Norman

Black Death

Black Lives Matter

The Blitz

Bloody Sunday

Bombing of Berlin

Bombing of Dresden

Bombing of Nuremberg

Bonus Army Riots, Washington D.C.

Boudicca's Revolt

British Raj

Broad Street Cholera Outbreak

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas

Burr-Hamilton Duel

Caenozoic Era


California Gold Rush

Charleston (S.C.) Slave Insurrection, 1822

Chechen conflict

Chernobyl Disaster, Ukraine, USSR

Chilean Coup

Chinese Civil War

Cholera Epidemic


Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Movement, USA

Classical Antiquity

Codrington Divorce Trial

Cold War

Columbine School Shootings

Constitutional Convention

Coronation of Aragorn

The Council of Elrond

Credit crunch

Cremona Triennale

Crimean War


Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Revolution

Cultural Revolution


Damia becomes Aurigae Prime

Death and Resurrection of Aslan

Death of Cleopatra

Death of Edward VII

Death of Katherine of Aragon

Death of King Georg IV

Death of King George III

Death of Pope John Paul I

Death of Queen Victoria

Death of the White Witch

Destruction of Isengard

Destruction of Sandleford Warren

Destruction of the One Ring

Detroit Riot

Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II

Disaster: Storm at Sea

Divorce/annulment of Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII

Donora Smog

Dreyfus Affair

Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion

Dust Bowl Era

East End Cholera Outbreak


Edinburgh's Fringe Festival

Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt

Election of Barack Obama to U.S. Presidency


End of the Library

End of the World

English Civil War

English Reformation

English Renaissance

Eruption of Mount Vesuvius

Evacuation of British Children in WW2


Excavation of Masada by Yigael Yadin

Execution of Anne Boleyn

Execution of Charles I

Execution of King Louis XVI of France

Execution of Marie Antoinette

Fall of Communism

Fall of Constantinople

Fall of France

Fall of Leningrad

Fall of Singapore

Fall of the Berlin Wall

February Revolution

the Fenice fire

First cattle drive from Texas to Montana

First contact with extraterrestrial lifeforms

First Contact with Mridani

First Contact with Sodan

Florence flood in 1966


Freedom Ride

French Resistance

French Revolution

Gap Year

Gemini 9

Gilded Age

Glasgow International Exhibition

Gold Rush

Good Friday Agreement

Grace Brown's Murder

Grace Marks Murder Trial

Great Depression

The Great Exhibition

Great Fire of London

Great Fire of Smyrna

Great Frost

Great Leap Forward

The Great Migration

The Great Stink

Greco-Turkish War

Greek Civil War

Green Mountain Train Wreck

Gulf War II

Guy Fawkes Night

Gwyn-Raven children fostered on Deneb, allowing them to train their talented children


Hamilton–Reynolds affair

Heysel Stadium disaster

The Highland Ball

Hillsborough disaster



Home Children Immigration to Australia

Hurricane Donna

Hurricane Katrina

Indira Ghandi's assassination

Industrial Revolution

Influenza pandemic


Interwar Period

Iran-Contra Affair

Iraq War

Irish Potato Famine

Irish Revolution

Jack the Ripper Murders

Jacobite Rebellion

Jacobite Rising of 1745

Japanese invasion of Manchuria, 1931

Japanese Occupation

Japanese-American Internment

Jazz Age

Jewish Holocaust

July Revolution

June Rebellion


King Philip's War

The King's Champion Contest

Klondike Gold Rush

Korean War

Last execution of capital punishment in Iceland

London Blitz

London Evacuation

Magna Carta

The making of Some Like it Hot

Marichjhapi Massacre 1978-1979

Marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

May 13 Incident

May Day

McCarthy Era

Mexican Land Reforms

Mexican Revolution

Middle Ages

Monterrey Pop Festival

Mount Vesuvius, Italy 1906 eruption

Mrdini exchange program

Napoleon's invasion of Russia

Napoleonic Wars

New Kingdom of Egypt

New Orleans school desegregation crisis

Nigerian-Biafran War

Nineteen Year Winter

Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt