What are you reading in May/19?


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What are you reading in May/19?

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May 1, 2019, 5:51 pm

Hey, let's destroy the very fabric of space-time and discuss our latest readings.

Edited: May 1, 2019, 5:54 pm

I've just watched Avengers: Endgame and I was blown away. All those years and money spent on comics were worth it.

May 3, 2019, 6:56 pm

Can’t wait to see the new Avengers next week!

I’m reading the very funny Museum of Mistakes by Julia Wertz.

May 4, 2019, 1:12 am

I loved Come Again, the recent graphic novel by Nate Powell. A moving story, poetic script, and his usual beautiful brushwork.

May 4, 2019, 7:54 am

I've finished reading the first 3 issues of Doomsday clock and on one hand, it will never be Watchmen 2, on the other, it is not a big problem. Geoff Johns writes a direct continuation of Watchmen, but he does not try to adventure himself into Moore's complex text and many layers. The story is more direct and from the original work he only gets the structure (pace, camera positions, characters voices, etc).
Gary Frank's art has reached another level, integrating Dave Gibbons view into the DC Universe with a very naturalistic style.
In overall, it is a good book that tries to walk with giants.

May 4, 2019, 5:47 pm

It was used book sale weekend, and I happily snagged Tee Franklin's Bingo Love and Kurt Busiek's Superman: Secret Identity.

In other news, I get to see Endgame tomorrow, hooray!

May 5, 2019, 8:59 am

I also enjoyed Endgame, i had to pick my jaw off the floor several times

May 5, 2019, 1:23 pm

I was blown away by Sacred Heart. Like Come Again, it's the story of a community trying to live a normal life, but with a surreal, menacing undercurrent. An endearing cast of angsty teens, a great cartoon vocabulary, some laugh-out-loud dialog among the insults and soap opera. Liz Suburbia is one of those artists (Ted Naifeh comes to mind, and Jaime Hernandez) where every line seems necessary, none superfluous.

The story is continued (and much of the mystery explained) 10 years later in Egg Cream, a new annual series.

Edited: May 5, 2019, 8:19 pm

>7 brianjungwi:
ha, ha, ha, ha Me too

Edited: May 8, 2019, 4:53 pm

We saw Endgame yesterday, and thought it was great. It was fun to see Thor go all Big Liebowski.

I need to read Liz Suburbia.

I’m reading the second Black Hammer, and liking it as much as the first one.

May 8, 2019, 7:15 pm

I decided to get back in time - both in terms with the age of the comics and its era - Gaiman’s Marvel 1602. Halfway through and I made myself stop and read slower, a chapter (or 3) per day - I am really enjoying it. Of course, now I wonder if I want to shelve it with the rest of the Marvel titles or with my Elizabethan ones :)

May 9, 2019, 7:29 pm

I've finished Gideon Falls which starts telling the stories of a Priest that comes to the small town of Gideon Falls to take over the duties of a deceased colleague and of a guy with OCD that revolves random thrash and lives in a big city. Both lives will be linked to the Black Barn whose the book is named after.
Jeff Lemire tells a story that could easily fit in Stephen King's library and Andrea Sorrentino illustrates it masterfully.
Looking forward to the volume 2.

Edited: May 12, 2019, 9:20 pm

I've finished Isola, vol.1 which is a fantasy story with a full universe of places and characters to be known, which has hints of Game of Thrones and Saga. The art has a style of Euro-Manga and gives a distintive identity to the book.

May 16, 2019, 4:02 pm

>12 apokoliptian: I've got Gideon Falls now, and expect to read it soon. Sounds promising. Lemire is one busy guy!

I just finished the second American Gods volume, and found some of it a bit tedious. But I'm still chomping at the bit for the third one, which I'm sure won't be out for a long time.

May 19, 2019, 8:08 pm

>13 apokoliptian: I've been eyeing up Isola; did you like it?

I'm finishing out May reading Blackbird, Vol. 1 and the Whiteout Compendium.

May 21, 2019, 7:45 pm

>15 Euryale:
I think that it was a really good start, with a lot of adventure and mistery. I'm waiting for the second volume.

May 21, 2019, 8:12 pm

I had been reading more comics this month than in the last 2 years so time to start talking about them I guess.

Marvel 1602 is very good. I should have recognized Captain America a lot earlier but I did catch up to it before it became clear in the book so all is good. It may not be as enjoyable for someone that does not know the heroes of Marvel but I loved it.

Super Chill: A Year of Living Anxiously is exactly what it sounds like - small vignettes about what had been happening in a year. Some sounded like something I would say (if I could draw to save my live...), some were weird.

Empire State: A Love Story (or Not) - I loved the color scheme in the book and I liked the double-threaded story. For a story that should sound tired and old, it actually works.

Black Magick - volumes 1 and 2 - well, this is why I like Greg Rucka. :) Very very enjoyable - despite being dark. And an awesome color work - the grey is the main color (or colors - it does not feel like it is grey only but it is) with other colors showing up when needed for the story. Now let's wait for Rucka to write some more...

Saga of the Swamp Thing Book Four (and 5 and 6) - I really liked the first three volumes but then I kinda dropped it off - other things to read and so on. And then I finished the 3 volumes in a day and a half - from the Crisis (and its aftermath - part of it hidden in this series...) to the almost obligatory death volumes to the happy end. I did not love every single issue and story in that series but... I loved the whole thing as a whole.

I need to go and write some reviews...

May 21, 2019, 9:30 pm

>16 apokoliptian: Another one to add to the wishlist, then. I keep adding them faster than I can read! :)

>17 AnnieMod: Rucka is always one of my favorite comics writers, and Black Magick is excellent.

May 24, 2019, 10:26 pm

>18 Euryale:
Have you read Nimona by Noelle Stevenson? It is very fun, but makes you think in-between some laughs. It is fantasy and adventure and have some good dialogues.
It can seat in the same shelf with Isola, but like its funny, weird sister.

May 25, 2019, 2:35 pm

>19 apokoliptian: Yes, I liked Nimona very much!

Jun 6, 2019, 1:10 pm

^Me, too. (Nimona).