Book Events for BookConcierge

Events within the books in BookConcierge's library

Summary: 436 Events.

100th Anniversary of birth of Agatha Christie

12th century BCE



16th century





17th century





1893 Chicago World's Fair


18th century

1914 eclipse




1953 Ionian Earthquake


1976 UK heat wave



1986 Los Angeles Public Library fire

1996 Mount Everest Disaster

1998 Assassination of PLO commando leader Abu Jihad

19th century

2010 Copiapó mining accident

33rd Acqui Infantry Division Massacre

6 October 1976 Massacre

74th Annual Hunger Games

75th Annual Hunger Games

9/11 Attacks

Abolition of polygamy in the United States

Afghan Civil War

African-American Civil Rights Movement

Age of Sail

AIDS epidemic

Alien Invasion

American Civil War

American Revolution

Anatomy Act


Antebellum South

Armenian Genocide

Arrival at the Library

Arthurian England

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Assassination of James A. Garfield

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Assassination of Leon Trotsky

Assassination of Medgar Evers

Assassination of Russian imperial family

Assassination of William McKinley

Astronaut Program

Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Auspicuous Event

Avianca aircrash

Bal de l'Opera

Bangladesh War for Independence

Bangladesh War of Independence


Bataan Death March

Battle of Ball's Bluff

Battle of Britain

Battle of Caporetto

Battle of Culloden

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of Iwo Jima

Battle of Laverstoke

Battle of Midway

Battle of Pavia

Battle of Saratoga

Battle of Shanghai

Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the Coral Sea

Battle of the Somme

Battle of Waterloo

Bayside Book Writers Meetings

Birth of Margaret Norman

Birthday of Edgar Allan Poe

Black Lives Matter

Black Tuesday

Bleeding Kansas

The Blitz

Blizzard of 1888

Bombing of Dresden

Bonus Army Riots, Washington D.C.

Bosnian War

Boston Marathon bombing

British Occupation of India

British Raj

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas

Burning of the Library of Alexandria

Butlerian Jihad

California Gold Rush

Centennial Exhibition of 1876

Charleston (S.C.) Slave Insurrection, 1822

Chechen conflict

Chernobyl Disaster

Chicago World's Fair

Chilean Coup

Chinese Civil War

Cholera Epidemic


Christmas Day

Christmas Eve

Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, 1963

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Movement, USA

climate change

Clutter family murder

Cocoanut Grove Night Club fire

Cold War

Columbine School Shootings

Corpus Christi massacre

Court Martial of Captain Charles B. McVay, III

Creation of the Colony Club

Crimean War

Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Revolution

Cuban Revolution of 1895-1898

Cultural Revolution

D Day


Dalai Lama at the Tibet Center/Gere Foundation for two week teaching in NYC

death by snake bite

Death of Carl Minkus

Death of Christopher McCandless

Death of Edward VII

Death of J. P. Morgon

Death of La Mennulara

Death of Pope John Paul I

Death of Pope John Paul II

Death of Queen Victoria

Descente de la Courtille

Destruction of Sandleford Warren

Detroit Riot

Disaster: Hurricane

Disaster: Shipwreck

Disaster: Storm at Sea

Disaster: Volcano Eruption

Discovery of Radium

Donald Trump presidency

Donner Party

Dracula Night

Dreyfus Affair

Dust Bowl Era


Easter Egg Roll

Ebola Reston discovery

Eighteenth Amendment

Election of Bill Clintion


Elm Creek raid of 1864

End of the Library

Eradication of smallpox

Evacuation of British Children in WW2

Excavation of Masada by Yigael Yadin

Execution of the Romanov family

Fall of Constantinople

Fall of France

Fall of Saigon

February 28 incident

the Fenice fire

Fire at Our Lady of Angels School

First Annual Grand Prairie Rabbit Festival

First cattle drive from Texas to Montana

First Chimurenga

First contact with extraterrestrial lifeforms

The Flood

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

Fourth of July

Franco-Prussian War

French and Indian War

French Resistance

French Revolution

Fugitive Slave Act

Funeral Rule

Galveston Hurricane of 1900

Gemini 9

Georgian Era

German occupation of Italy

Gettysburg Campaign

Gilded Age

Gold Rush

The Great Depression

Great Depression

The Great Depression

Great Fire of Smyrna

Great Leap Forward

The Great Migration

The Great Revelation

The Great Stink

The Great War

Greco-Turkish War

Greek Civil War

Guadalcanal Campaign

Gunfight at the OK Corral

Haitian Revolution

Halifax Explosion


Harlem Renaissance

Hartford circus fire

Haun's Mill Massacre

Hindenburg disaster

Hiroshima Bombing

Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany


Hurricane Agnes

Hurricane Donna

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane San Felipe Segundo

Influenza pandemic

Influenza Pandemic


Interwar Period

Iran-Contra Affair

Iranian Revolution

Iraq War

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist

Israeli war of independence

Jack the Ripper Murders

Jacobite Rebellion

Jacobite Rising of 1745

Japanese Invasion of Hong Kong

Japanese occupation of Korea

Japanese occupation of Malaya 1941-45

Japanese occupation of Malaysia

Japanese-American Internment

Jazz Age

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry

Johnstown Flood

the killing of Danny Hansford

Klondike Gold Rush

Korean War

Kosovo War

Krakatoa Eruption

Laotian Civil War

Last execution of capital punishment in Iceland

liberation of Buchenwald

London Blitz

London season

Louisiana Purchase