Author Cloud for orbital

André Aciman(1) Peter Ackroyd(3) Tariq Ali(3) Kingsley Amis(2) Martin Amis(4) Lindsay Anderson(1) Noel Gilroy Annan, Baron Annan(1) Jane Austen(1) Paul Auster(2) Robert Baden-Powell(1) Iain M. Banks(2) Ian Banks(1) Nigel Barley(1) Djuna Barnes(1) Eleanor Rosamund Barraclough(1) Graeme Barrow(1) Marianne Barrucand(1) Paul R. Bartrop(1) Nicholas A. Basbanes(2) Matsuo Bashō(1) Giorgio Bassani(1) Harry Batsford(1) John Baxter(1) Max Beerbohm(1) Hilaire Belloc(1) E Benbassa(1) Alan Bennet(1) Alan Bennett(1) Nicolas Bentley(2) Robert Bickers(1) Black Inc.(1) Michael Bloch(2) Anthony Bluett(1) Kyril Bonfiglioli(1) Jorge Luis Borges(1) and Rolf Toman Barbara Achim Bednorz Borngasser(1) Caroline G. Bott(1) Paul Bowles(1) William Boyd(2) Malcolm Bradbury(1) Gyles Brandreth(1) Piers Brendon(1) Asa Briggs(1) David Brooks(1) Lars Brownworth(1) Bert Brunet(1) Bill Bryson(4) John Buchan(5) Harry Bucknall(1) Mikhail Bulgakov(1) Bill Bunbury(1) Robert Byron(3) Tim Cahill(2) Roberto Calasso(1) Joseph Campbell(1) Orson Scott Card(1) Peter Carey(1) John le Carré(5) John Carroll(1) Jonathan Carroll(1) Ronald Carter(1) Alan Castle(1) Bruce Catton(1) C B Fry(1) Sir Henry Channon(1) Bruce Chatwin(2) Amit Chaudhuri(1) G.K. Chesterton(1) V. Gordon Childe(1) Marcus Clarke(1) Susanna Clarke(1) Manning Clark(1) Nigel Cliff(1) Frank Clune(13) Jonathan Coe(1) Joseph Conrad(3) Chris Cook(1) Richard M. Cook(1) Jilly Cooper(1) Jim Corbett(2) Peter Corris(1) Arthur Cotterell(1) Noël Coward(1) Stanley William Coxon(1) Jim Crace(1) John Crowley(1) Roger Crowley(2) Terry Cudbird(1) Charles Cumming(1) William Dalrymple(5) Pierre Daninos(1) Cathy N. Davidson(1) Len Deighton(7) David Denby(1) Anita Desai(1) Viola Design(1) Adrian Desmond(1) Robert Dessaix(5) Charles Dickens(3) Joël Dicker(1) Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni(1) Paddy Docherty(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(1) Dennis Duncan(1) Fiona Duncan(1) John Dunn(1) Dexter C. Dunphy(1) David Eddings(1) Outside Magazine Editors(1) Gillian Mary Edwards(1) Hugh Edwards(1) Timothy Egan(1) Beverley Eley(1) Ben Elton(1) Juliana Horatia Ewing(1) Michel Faber(1) Hans Fallada(1) Steve Fallon(1) Daniel Farson(1) Sebastian Faulks(2) Marie Favereau(1) Paul Fennell(1) Fergus Butler-Gallie(2) Patrick Leigh Fermor(3) Guide FFRP(1) Edward FitzGerald(1) Richard Flanagan(1) Tim Flannery(1) Gustave Flaubert(1) Fergus Fleming(1) Ian Fleming(14) John Fleming(1) Christine Flynn(1) Ford Madox Ford(1) Jean Fornasiero(1) John Fothergill(1) Christopher Fowler(2) Robert Fox(1) Robin Lane Fox(1) Peter Frankopan(1) Michael Frayn(1) Paul Freedman(1) Charles Freeman(1) Joshua Frydman(1) Stephen Fry(3) Jostein Gaarder(1) Neil Gaiman(1) Richard Le Gallienne(1) Bamber Gascoigne(1) Mike Gayle(1) Ngaire Genge(1) William Gerhardie(1) Guy Gibson(1) William Gibson(2) Adrian Gill(1) George Gissing(1) Gogol(1) Nikolai Gogol(1) Adrian Goldsworthy(1) Victor Gollancz(1) Martin Goodman(1) Jason Goodwin(1) Adam Gopnik(1) Georgi Gospodinov(1) Stephen Jay Gould(2) Andrew Graham-Dixon(1) Charles L. Grant(1) Michael Grant(1) Robert Graves(1) Spalding Rockwell Gray(1) Dr Matthew Green(1) Graham Greene(2) Hugh Greene(2) Robert Lane Greene(1) Brothers Grimm(1) Somnath Guha(1) Mark Haddon(1) Marion Halligan(1) Richard Seymour Hall(1) Isabella Hammad(1) Thich Nhat Hanh(1) Sara Hardy(1) Kyle Harper(1) M. John Harrison(1) Robert Harris(1) Eric L. Harry(1) Sarah Hartley(1) Nicky Haslam(1) Markus Hattstein(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1) Lafcadio Hearn(1) Lian Hearn(1) Daniel Hecht(1) Judith Herrin(2) Hermann Hesse(2) Christopher Hibbert(1) Gary Hickey(1) Carola Hicks(1) Keigo Higashino(1) John Higginson(1) Robert Hillenbrand(1) Susan Hill(1) Tobias Hill(1) Khôi Hoàng(1) Thomas Hobbes(1) S. J. Hodge(1) E. T. A. Hoffmann(1) Tom Holland(4) Mary Hollingsworth(1) Richard Holmes(2) John Hooper(1) Bettany Hughes(1) Robert Hughes(1) Belinda Hurmence(1) Joe Ide(1) Robert Irwin(1) Christopher Isherwood(1) Kazuo Ishiguro(1) Kazuo Ishigyro(1) Mary Isin(1) Rumi(1) Clive James(5) M. R. James(1) Tim Jeal(2) Charles Jennings(1) Jerome K. Jerome(1) James Joll(1) Philip Jones(1) Terry Jones(1) Nicholas Jubber(1) C. G. Jung(1) Ryszard Kapuściński(1) Kapka Kassabova(1) Guy Gavriel Kay(3) John Keay(2) Garrison Keillor(1) Steve Kemme(1) Douglas Kennedy(1) Ludovic Kennedy(1) George Kerridge(1) Philip Kerr(2) Ibn Khaldūn(1) Ross King(1) Rudyard Kipling(1) Karl Ove Knausgård(1) James Knox(1) Ramona Koval(1) Robert Lacey(1) Elizabeth Lane(1) Emma Larkin(1) Alexander Larman(1) Carolyne Larrington(1) Kenneth Scott Latourette(1) D. H. Lawrence(1) John Lawton(4) Harper Lee(1) Patrick Jasper Lee(1) James Lees-Milne(7) Ralph Leighton(1) Pierre Lemaitre(1) Ben Lerner(1) Donna Leslie(1) Lucy Lethbridge(1) Jeremy Lewis(2) Godfrey Lienhardt(1) Daryl Lindsay(1) Jack Lindsay(1) Clarice Lispector(3) Toby Litt(1) Liu(1) Cixin Liu(3) Ken Liu(4) Christopher Lloyd(1) David Lodge(3) H. P. Lovecraft(1) Mary S. Lovell(1) A. G. Macdonell(2) Arthur Machen(1) Shena Mackay(1) Tim Mackintosh-Smith(1) Kenneth Maddock(1) David Madsen(1) Marie Mahood(1) Lucy Philip Mair(2) Alexander Maitland(1) Barry Maitland(1) Curzio Malaparte(2) David Malouf(1) W. F. Mandle(1) Alberto Manguel(1) John Man(1) Philip Mansel(2) Hilary Mantel(1) Margaret Jull Costa (translator) Fernando Pessoa (author)(1) Javier Marías(6) Olga Masters(1) Jason Matthews(1) John Matthews(1) Alan Mattingly(1) Adrienne Mayor(1) Gareth McCormack(1) Simon McElroy(1) Ian McEwan(1) Peter McLean(2) Ian F. McNeely(1) Mervyn Meggitt(1) Leonard Michaels(2) Paul Micou(2) Pankaj Mishra(1) David Mitchell(1) Patrick Modiano(1) Drusilla Modjeska(1) Rita Monaldi(2) Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd(1) Alan Moorehead(1) Peter Moore(1) Tim Moore(1) Frank Moorhouse(1) Richard C. Morais(1) Brian Morris(1) John Mortimer(2) Andrew Motion(1) Ferdinand Mount(1) G. H. P. Muhlhauser(1) Haruki Murakami(9) Iris Murdoch(1) Dan F Murphy(1) V. S. Naipaul(1) Andrés Neuman(1) Eric Newby(2) Harold Nicolson(1) Larry Niven(1) Catherine Nixey(1) Cees Nooteboom(1) John Julius Norwich(9) Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir(1) M. R. O'Connor(1) Redmond O'Hanlon(3) Penny Van Oosterzee(1) Milton Osborne(1) Michael Palin(1) Orhan Pamuk(4) James Robert Parish(1) Ruth Park(1) Tim Parks(3) Edward Parnell(1) Chris Patten(1) Christa Paula(1) Milorad Pavić(1) Arturo Pérez-Reverte(1) Robert Philip(1) E. D. Phillips(1) Adam Platt(1) Justin Pollard(1) Anthony Powell(4) Marcel Proust(1) Felix Pryor(1) Philip Pullman(3) Libby Purves(1) Alexander Pushkin(1) David Quammen(1) Alison Raju(1) Hermione Ranfurly, Countess of Ranfurly(1) Christoph Ransmayr(1) Julian Rathbone(1) Simon Raven(3) Herbert Read(1) Piers Paul Read(1) Henry Reynolds(1) Jean Rhys(1) E. G. Richards(1) Henry Handel Richardson(1) Rod Ritchie(1) Peter Robb(1) Peter Roebuck(1) Michael Scott Rohan(6) Norman Rose(1) Tim Ross(2) Joseph Roth(1) Nicolas Rothwell(1) Rudi Rotthier(1) Katherine Rundell(1) John Ruskin(1) Charles Rycroft(1) Rüdiger Safranski(1) Saki(1) Ian Sansom(1) Bruno Santi(1) Andrzej Sapkowski(5) Siegfried Sassoon(1) David Schickler(1) Eric Schlosser(1) Jeremy Seal(1) I.Allan Sealy(1) Anik See(1) Timothy Severin(3) Brian Sewell(2) Tahir Shah(1) William Sharp(1) Junzo Shono(1) Jenny Sinclair(1) Adam Sisman(2) Osbert Sitwell(7) Emma Smith(1) John Saumarez Smith(2) Martin Cruz Smith(1) R. J. L. Smith(1) Christopher Somerville(1) Albert Henry Spencer(1) Francis Spufford(1) Roger Stalley(1) Jon Stallworthy(1) Peter Stamm(1) Martin Stannard(1) Edward St. Aubyn(1) Stendhal(1) Neal Stephenson(1) Christine Stevens(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(1) Chris Stewart(1) Murray Stewart(1) Rachel Storm(1) Peter Stothard(1) Randolph Stow(1) Paul Strathern(2) Roy Strong(1) George Herbert Sunter(1) Peter Y. Sussman(1) John Sutherland(2) David Suzuki(1) Graham Swift(1) Andrew P. Sykes(1) Julian Symons(1) Jeff Sypeck(1) John Tait(1) French Tana; French Tana; French Tana(1) Jun'ichirō Tanizaki(1) Andrew Taylor(1) Paul Theroux(1) Wilfred Thesiger(1) Keith Thomas(1) James Thurber(1) Peter Timms(1) Colm Tóibín(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(1) Brian Toohey(1) Honor Tracy(1) Marguerite Triaire(1) Anthony Trollope(1) Barbara W. Tuchman(1) Susan Buchan, Baroness Tweedsmuir(1) Jenny Uglow(2) unknown author(1) Walt Unsworth(1) Horace Annesley Vachell(1) Peter Vansittart(1) Sally Varlow(1) Robin Wallace-Crabbe(1) Calder Walton(1) Sylvia Townsend Warner(1) David Watkin(1) Don Watson(2) Lawrence Watt-Evans(1) Evelyn Waugh(2) James Webb(1) H. G. Wells(1) Rebecca West(1) Mortimer Wheeler(1) Francis Wheen(1) Gill White(1) Patrick White(1) Thornton Wilder(1) Geoffrey Willans(1) Keith Willey(1) Nicola Williams(1) Tess Williams(1) A. N. Wilson(2) Simon Winchester(2) Jeanette Winterson(2) Benjamin Woolley(1) Alexis Wright(1) Andrea Wulf(1) Simon Yates(1) Marguerite Yourcenar(1) Gabrielle Zevin(1) Philip Ziegler(1) Stefan Zweig(1) Kōtarō Isaka(1)