Book Events for ecb06c

Events within the books in ecb06c's library

Summary: 765 Events.

10th Annual Hunger Games

11th century

12th century

12th century BCE

13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

13th century



14th century

15th century


16th century

16th Street Baptist Church Bombing






1788-89 US presidential election


1792 US presidential election

1796 presidential election


17th century

1800 US presidential election



18th century

1903 Nobel Peace Prize for Physics

1905 Russian Revolution

1911 Nobel Peace Prize for Chemistry

1918 Influenza Pandemic


1948 Arab-Israel War

1948 Palestinian Exodus



1971 Abolition of US Gold Standard



1986 Los Angeles Public Library fire

1996 Mount Everest Disaster

19th century

1st century

1st century BCE

2005 elections to Afghan parliament

2008 Presidential Campaign

2008 UK Climate Change Act

2nd century

4th century BCE

5th century

5th century BCE

7 July 2005 London bombings

74th Annual Hunger Games

75th Annual Hunger Games

9/11 Attack on NY World Trade Center

9/11 Attacks

9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Accession of Elizabeth I

Accession of James VI, King of the Scots

Accession of Victoria

Act for the Advancement of the True Religion

Act of Conditional Restraint of Annates

Act of Restraint of Appeals

Act of Six Articles

Act of Succession

Act of Supremacy

Afghan Civil War

African-American Civil Rights Movement

Age of Sail

AIDS epidemic

Aiel War

Algerian War of Independence

Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798

American Civil War

American Declaration of Independence

American Indian Movement

American Revolution

American Revolution 1775-1783

The Anarchy

Anatomy Act

Anglo Saxon period

Anglo-Spanish War

Antebellum South

Anti-apartheid movement

Anti-Rent War



Apollo 8

Arab Spring

Arab-Israeli Conflict

Ariadne 5 rocket self destruct

Arizona's Statewide Gleaning Project


Arrival at the Library

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Assassination of James A. Garfield

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Assassination of Julius Caesar

Assassination of Malcolm X

Assassination of Medgar Evers

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

Assassination of Russian imperial family

Assassination of the Gracchi


Atomic bombing of Hiroshima

Atomic bombing of Nagasaki

Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Attempted suicide of Sylvia Plath

Attica Prison Riot

August 1st, Ross Gay's birthday

Augustine's conversion

Austro-Turkish War

Avianca aircrash

Babington Plot

Bacon's Rebellion

Bal de l'Opera

Balfour Declaration

Barack Obama's Presidency

Bastille Day

Bataan Death March

Battle of Actium

Battle of Agincourt

Battle of Borodino

Battle of Bosworth Field

Battle of Britain

Battle of Cannae

Battle of Caporetto

Battle of Carrhae

Battle of Chancellorsville

Battle of Crait

Battle of Culloden

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Fredericksburg

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of Laverstoke

Battle of Long Island

Battle of Marathon

Battle of Monmouth Courthouse

Battle of Quebec

Battle of Salamis

Battle of Saratoga

Battle of Sluis Van

Battle of Tewkesbury

Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of the Hornburg

Battle of the Somme

Battle of Thermopylae

Battle of Towton

Battle of Trenton

Battle of Waterloo

Battle of Yorktown

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Beat Generation

Beheading game

Big Bang

Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act

Birth of Jesus

Black Death

Black Lives Matter

The Blitz

Bloody Sunday


Bombing of Dresden

Bombing of Libya


British Association for the Advancement of Science - founding and early years

British Occupation of India

British Raj

Broad Street Cholera Outbreak

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas

Burning of the Library of Alexandria

Burr-Hamilton Duel

Butlerian Jihad

Camp David Accords

Catilina's Revolt

Cedar Revolution

Centennial Exhibition of 1876

Charleston church shooting

Chechen conflict

Chernobyl Disaster

Children's Crusade

Chilean Coup

Cholera Epidemic


Christmas Eve

Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, 1963

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Movement, USA

Classical Antiquity

Cleansing of Saidin

climate change

climate crisis

The closing of Gourmet Magazine

Clutter family murder

Cold War

Cold War

Collapse of Theranos

Colonizing the New World

Columbine School Shootings

Community Mental Health Act


Compromise of 1790

Conflict of the Orders

Conquest of Latin America

Constitutional Convention

Continental Congress

Contra War

Convention of Versailles


Coronation of Aragorn

The Council of Elrond

Council of Trent

Covid-19 Epidemic

COVID-19 pandemic


Creation of the Colony Club

Credit crunch

Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction

The Crucifixion

Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth


Cuban Missile Crisis

Death and Resurrection of Aslan

Death of Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales

Death of Catherine of Aragon

Death of Christopher McCandless

Death of Diana, Princess of Wales

the death of Grendel

Death of J. P. Morgon

Death of Julius Caesar

Death of King Georg IV

Death of the White Witch

Death of Willie Lincoln

Declaration of Independence

Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms

Deepwater Horizon oil spill

The Deluge

Democratic National Convention of 1968

Descente de la Courtille

Destruction of Earth

Destruction of Isengard

Destruction of Sandleford Warren

Destruction of the Naj Hammandi Scrolls

Destruction of the One Ring

Detroit Riot

The Disappearance of the Dolphins

Disaster: Volcano Eruption

Discovery of Radium