Controversial Books for el_marques

This page shows the most "controversial" books in this library, as measured by the highest standard deviation of members' star ratings.

Standard Deviation Average Rating Your Rating Title
1.088 3.61 The Mirror of the Sea by Joseph Conrad
1.064 3.93 The Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littell
0.997 3.7 What I Saw: Reports from Berlin 1920-1933 by Joseph Roth
0.975 3.55 The Accordionist's Son by Bernardo Atxaga
0.955 3.81 Every Dead Thing by John Connolly
0.952 3.81 The Black Angel by John Connolly
0.94 3.82 Magic Prague by Angelo Maria Ripellino
0.94 3.8 The Unquiet by John Connolly
0.937 3.93 The Tower of Fools by Andrzej Sapkowski
0.928 4.14 Africanus. El Hijo del Consul (Spanish Edition) by Santiago Posteguillo
0.909 3.96 Flashman by George MacDonald Fraser
0.905 3.6 March Violets by Philip Kerr
0.89 3.85 The Places In Between by Rory Stewart
0.884 3.97 A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin
0.88 4.19 The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
0.878 3.87 Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski
0.872 3.77 The Reapers by John Connolly
0.862 4.01 Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski
0.852 4.36 The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
0.848 4.3 Las legiones malditas by Santiago Posteguillo
0.841 3.94 The White Road by John Connolly
0.839 4.35 A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
0.838 4.01 The Killing Kind by John Connolly
0.837 3.92 Dark Hollow by John Connolly
0.834 3.98 Time of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski
0.826 3.94 The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski
0.826 3.86 In Xanadu: A Quest by William Dalrymple
0.819 3.92 Flashman's Lady by George MacDonald Fraser
0.819 4.02 City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi by William Dalrymple
0.805 3.92 Royal Flash by George MacDonald Fraser
0.8 4.01 Flashman and the Mountain of Light by George MacDonald Fraser
0.795 3.85 The Pale Criminal by Philip Kerr
0.793 4.07 The Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski
0.787 3.82 The Pillars of Hercules by Paul Theroux
0.751 3.91 Black and Blue by Ian Rankin
0.746 4.31 A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin
0.743 4.42 A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin
0.733 4.26 From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium by William Dalrymple
0.716 3.9 A German Requiem by Philip Kerr
0.711 4.46 Cuentos Completos 2 by Julio Cortázar
0.709 3.93 A Quiet Flame by Philip Kerr
0.653 3.61 Saber perder by David Trueba
0.638 4.56 Cuentos Completos 1 by Julio Cortázar