Kristel's "The List Goes On" in 2022

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Kristel's "The List Goes On" in 2022

Edited: Dec 23, 2021, 1:03 pm

Hi, I'm Kristel, retired now since this year and also recent widow. My husband lost a hard fought battle of 11 months with glioblastoma multiforme. It has been a hard year. I plan to participate in the challenges as I am able. I am overcommitted as usual. My categories will be;

1. Kits and Catboodles
2. F2F bookclub reads
3. Reading 1001
4. Bingo was his name o
5. Booker
6. Pulitzer
7. 100 SFF
8. 100 horror
9. 21st Cannon
9. Asian
10. British
11. American
12. Others I may have forgotten.

Edited: Jan 14, 2022, 11:55 am

Kits and Catboodles

Alpha RH
Kristin Hannah, The Four Winds COMPLETED
option: Robin Hobb,

Scaredy: The Woman in Black by Susan Hill COMPLETED

SFF: The Girl With All the Gifts M. R. Carey COMPLETED

Shakespeare: A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley, King Lear COMPLETED

Author: Indigenous
Louise Erdrich, The Night Watchman COMPLETED


Random: Home Sweet Home
The Night Watchman, Louise Erdrich is from Minnesota. She also writes of Turtle Mountains in North Dakota but Minneapolis and spots in Minnesota are frequently referenced.
A Thousand Acres Iowa and Minnesota

Edited: Feb 28, 2022, 3:02 pm

F2F bookclub Reads

The Brothers K completed
The Four Winds completed 1/3/22

A Head Full of Ghosts completed

Edited: Feb 28, 2022, 3:05 pm

Reading 1001
1. The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis by Saramago
2. Billy Bathgate by Doctorow

Yearly: Anniversaries: From a Year in the Life of Gesine Cresspahl by Uwe Johnson
Quarterly; January through March Metamorphosis
BOTM: The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis COMPLETED 1/4/22
BOTM: The History of the Siege of Lisbon
TBR takedown: Billy Bathgate by E. L. Doctorow completed 1/8/22
BOTM: The House by the Medlar Tree by Giovanni Verga completed
BOTM: Michael Kohlhaas by Heinrich von Kleist completed
TBR Baltasar & Blimunda Jose Saramago completed
Other: Black Box completed

Edited: Sep 7, 2022, 8:34 pm

Bingo was his name o

1. Award Winner The Night Watchman
2. Published year ending in 2 Baltasar & Blimunda pub 1982
3. Modern Retelling A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley
4. You'd love to see this as a movie
5. Features a dog Dog Stars by Peter Heller
6. Title contains a Z
7. Published year you joined LT (2010) To the End of the Land by David Grossman
8. By a favorite author
9. A Long Book Underworld by DeLillo
10. A Gift The Orchard ER
11. Title contains a Month Light in August
12. Weather word in title The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
13. Read a CAT
14. Travel or Journey Professor Martens' Departure by Jaan Kross
15. about sisters or brothers The Brothers K
16. a book club read A Head Full of Ghosts February book
17. Flowers on the cover The Art of Dying
18. In Translation Black Box by Amos Oz
19. Non-Fiction The Seven Good Years by Etgar Keret
20. character shares a name with a friend
21. set in a capital city The History of the Siege of Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal
22. children's or Young adult Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis
23. Set in another Country The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis (Portugal)
24. LGBTQ+ author Wild Winter Swan by Gregory Maquire
25. silver or gold on cover; Radioactive

Edited: Dec 23, 2022, 10:36 pm


1. 1969: P. H. Newby, Something to Answer For - Own
2. 1970: Bernice Rubens, The Elected Member - Wishlist
3. 1970: J. G. Farrell, Troubles (awarded in 2010 as the Lost Man Booker Prize) -OWN
(21)✔4. 1971: V. S. Naipaul, In a Free State
5. 1972: John Berger, G. - OWN-K
✔6. 1973: J. G. Farrell, The Siege of Krishnapur - READ
(21)✔. 1974: Nadine Gordimer, The Conservationist ... and Stanley Middleton, Holiday -
8. 1975: Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, Heat and Dust -
9. 1976: David Storey, Saville -
(21)✔10 . 1977: Paul Scott, Staying On read 2021
✔11. 1978: Iris Murdoch, The Sea, The Sea READ
12. 1979: Penelope Fitzgerald, Offshore -
✔13. 1980: William Golding, Rites of Passage - READ
✔14. 1981: Salman Rushdie, Midnight's Children - READ
✔15. 1982: Thomas Keneally, Schindler's Ark - READ
✔16. 1983: J. M. Coetzee, Life & Times of Michael K READ
17. 1984: Anita Brookner, Hotel du Lac - OWN
18. 1985: Keri Hulme, The Bone People
19. 1986: Kingsley Amis, The Old Devils -
20. 1987: Penelope Lively, Moon Tiger -
✅. 1988: Peter Carey, Oscar and Lucinda OWN
✔22. 1989: Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day READ
✅. 1990: A. S. Byatt, Possession: A Romance - OWN
24. 1991: Ben Okri, The Famished Road
✔25. 1992: Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient READ
... and Barry Unsworth, Sacred Hunger -
26. 1993: Roddy Doyle, Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha OWN
(21)✔27. 1994: James Kelman, How late it was, how lateREAD 2021
28. 1995: Pat Barker, The Ghost Road
29. 1996: Graham Swift, Last Orders
✔30. 1997: Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things READ
✔31. 1998: Ian McEwan, Amsterdam - READ
33. 1999: J. M. Coetzee, Disgrace - OWN
✔34. 2000: Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin READ
35. 2001: Peter Carey, True History of the Kelly Gang-
✔36. 2002: Yann Martel, Life of Pi READ
37. 2003: DBC Pierre, Vernon God Little
✔38. 2004: Alan Hollinghurst, The Line of Beauty READ
✔39. 2005: John Banville, The Sea - READ
✅. 2006: Kiran Desai, The Inheritance of Loss OWN
✅. 2007: Anne Enright, The Gathering - OWN COMPLETED 3/22
✔42. 2008: Aravind Adiga, The White Tiger - READ
✔43. 2009: Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall - READ
44. 2010: Howard Jacobson, The Finkler Question
✔45. 2011: Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending - READ
✔46. 2012: Hilary Mantel, Bring Up the Bodies - COMPLETED 3/2020
47. 2013: Eleanor Catton, The Luminaries
✔48. 2014: Richard Flanagan, The Narrow Road to the Deep North - READ
✔49. 2015: Marlon James, A Brief History of Seven Killings - READ
✔50. 2016: Paul Beatty, The Sellout - READ
✔51. 2017: George Saunders, Lincoln in the Bardo READ
✅52. 2018: Anna Burns Milkman
✅53. 2019: Margaret Atwood, The Testaments, or
Bernardine Evaristo, Girl, Woman, Other
✅. 2020. Shuggie Bain Douglas Stewart COMPLETED 3/24/22
55. 2021, The Promise by Damon Galgut
56. 2022, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Shehan Karunatilakaurns,

UP TO 2021: 22
2021: 4
2022: 7

Edited: Dec 23, 2022, 10:33 pm

1. 1918 HIS FAMILY - Ernest Poole
✅. 1919 THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS - Booth Tarkington Hoopla, 11/20/22
3. ✔1921 THE AGE OF INNOCENCE - Edith Wharton
4. 1922 ALICE ADAMS - Booth Tarkington
5. 1923 ONE OF OURS - Willa Cather
6. 1924 THE ABLE MCLAUGHLINS - Margaret Wilson
7. 1925 SO BIG - Edna Ferber
8. 1926 ARROWSMITH - Sinclair Lewis (Declined) library
9. 1927 EARLY AUTUMN - Louis Bromfield
10. ✔1928 THE BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REY - Thornton Wilder
11. 1929 SCARLET SISTER MARY - Julia Peterkin
12. 1930 LAUGHING BOY - Oliver Lafarge Own
13. 1931 YEARS OF GRACE - Margaret Ayer Barnes
14. ✔1932 THE GOOD EARTH - Pearl Buck
15. 1933 THE STORE - Thomas Sigismund Stribling
16. 1934 LAMB IN HIS BOSOM - Caroline Miller
17. ✔1935 NOW IN NOVEMBER - Josephine Winslow Johnson 5/27/21
18. 1936 HONEY IN THE HORN - Harold L Davis
19. ✔1937 GONE WITH THE WIND - Margaret Mitchell
20. 1938 THE LATE GEORGE APLEY - John Phillips Marquand
21. 1939 THE YEARLING - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
22. ✔1940 THE GRAPES OF WRATH - John Steinbeck
23. 1942 IN THIS OUR LIFE - Ellen Glasgow
24. 1943 DRAGON'S TEETH - Upton Sinclair
25. 1944 JOURNEY IN THE DARK - Martin Flavin
26. 1945 A BELL FOR ADANO - John Hersey
27. 1947 ALL THE KING'S MEN - Robert Penn Warren
28. 1948 TALES OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC - James Michener
29. 1949 GUARD OF HONOR - James Gould Cozzens
30. 1950 THE WAY WEST - A.B. Guthrie
31. 1951 THE TOWN - Conrad Richter
32. 1952 THE CAINE MUTINY - Herman Wouk
33. ✔1953 THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA - Ernest Hemingway
34. 1955 A FABLE - William Faulkner
35. 1956 ANDERSONVILLE - McKinlay Kantor
36. A DEATH IN THE FAMILY - James Agee
37. 1959 THE TRAVELS OF JAIMIE McPHEETERS - Robert Lewis Taylor
38. ✔1960 ADVISE AND CONSENT - Allen Drury 3/27/21
39. ✔1961 TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD - Harper Lee
40. 1962 THE EDGE OF SADNESS - Edwin O'Connor
41. 1963 THE REIVERS - William Faulkner
42. 1965 THE KEEPERS OF THE HOUSE - Shirley Ann Grau OWN audible play
✅. 1967 THE FIXER - Bernard Malamud
45. 1968 THE CONFESSIONS OF NAT TURNER - William Styron
46. 1969 HOUSE MADE OF DAWN - N Scott Momaday
48. 1972 ANGLE OF REPOSE - Wallace Stegner OWN
49. ✔1973 THE OPTIMIST'S DAUGHTER - Eudora Welty
50. 1975 THE KILLER ANGELS - Jeff Shaara
51. ✔1976 HUMBOLDT'S GIFT - Saul Bellow
52. 1978 ELBOW ROOM - James Alan McPherson
53. 1979 THE STORIES OF JOHN CHEEVER - John Cheever Read some
54. ✔1980 THE EXECUTIONER'S SONG - Norman Mailer
55. ✔1981 A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES - John Kennedy Toole
56. ✔1982 RABBIT IS RICH - John Updike
57. ✔1983 THE COLOR PURPLE - Alice Walker
58. 1984 IRONWEED - William Kennedy OWN
59. 1985 FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Alison Lurie
60. 1986 LONESOME DOVE - Larry McMurtry
61. 1987 A SUMMONS TO MEMPHIS - Peter Taylor
62. ✔1988 BELOVED - Toni Morrison
67. 1989 BREATHING LESSONS - Anne Tyler OWN
68. 1990 THE MAMBO KINGS PLAY SONGS OF LOVE - Oscar Hijuelos70.
69. 1991 RABBIT AT REST - John Updike
✅70. 1992 A THOUSAND ACRES - Jane Smiley OWN 4/20/21
71. 1993 A GOOD SCENT FROM A STRANGE MOUNTAIN - Robert Olen Butler
72. ✔1994 THE SHIPPING NEWS - E Annie Proulx
73. ✔1995 THE STONE DIARIES - Carol Shields
74. 1996 INDEPENDENCE DAY - Richard Ford
75. 1997 MARTIN DRESSLER - Steven Millhauser
76. ✔1998 AMERICAN PASTORAL - Philip Roth
77. ✔1999 THE HOURS - Michael Cunningham
78. 2000 INTERPRETER OF MALADIES - Jumpha Lahiri
80. 2002 EMPIRE FALLS - Richard Russo
81. ✔2003 MIDDLESEX - Jeffrey Eugenides
✅. 2004 THE KNOWN WORLD - Edward P. Jones
83. ✔2005 GILEAD - Marilynne Robinson
84. ✔2006 MARCH - Geraldine Brooks
85. ✔2007 THE ROAD - Cormac McCarthy
87. ✔2009 OLIVE KITTERIDGE - Elizabeth Strout
88. 2010 TINKERS - Paul Harding
89. ✔2011 A VISIT FROM THE GOOD SQUAD - Jennifer Egan
90 ✔2013 ORPHAN MASTER'S SON - Adam Johnson OWN
91. ✔2014 THE GOLDFINCH - Donna Tartt
92. ✔2015 ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE - Anthony Doerr
✅. 2016 THE SYMPATHIZER - Viet Thanh Nguyen
94. ✔2017 THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD - Colson Whitehead
95. ✔2018 LESS - Andrew Sean Greer READ 12/22/21
96. 2019 THE OVERSTORY - Richard Powers OWN
97. 2020 THE NICKEL BOYS - Colson Whitehead OWN
✅98. 2021 The Night Watchman (hoopla, audio) COMPLETED 1/3/21
99. 2022 The Netanyahus by Joshua Cohen

33/98 READ,

2022: 40/98

Edited: Jan 26, 2022, 2:47 pm

Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books August 11, 2011

✔1. The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien, Read
✔2. The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams read
✔3. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card READ
4. The Dune Chronicles By Frank Herbert, READ 1
5. A Song Of Ice And Fire Series by George R.R. Martin
✔6. 1984 A Novel y George Orwell READ
✔7. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury READ
8.The Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov READ 2
✔9.Brave New World by Aldous Huxley READ
10. American Gods By Neil Gaiman
11. The Princess Bride S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure by William Goldman
12.The Wheel Of Time Series by Robert Jordan, At 13 volumes and counting
✔13. Animal Farm by George Orwell READ
✔14. Neuromancer By William Gibson READ
✔15. Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons READ
✔16. I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov READ
✔17. Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein READ
18. The Kingkiller Chronicles BY by Patrick Rothfuss READ
✔19. Slaughterhouse-Five By Kurt Vonnegut READ
✔20. Frankenstein By Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley READ
✔21. Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick READ
✔22. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood READ
23. The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King Book 1, 11/21
✔24. 2001: A Space Odyssey BY by Arthur C. Clarke
✔25. The Stand By Stephen King READ
✔26. Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson READ
✔27. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury READ
✔28. Cat's Cradle By Kurt Vonnegut READ
29. The Sandman Series by Neil Gaiman 75-issue comic book series, now collected in ten trade volumes. READ VOL 1
✔30. A Clockwork Orange BY by Anthony Burgess READ
✔31. Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein READ
✔32. Watership Down by Richard Adams READ
✔33. Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey READ
✔34. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein READ
✔35. A Canticle For Leibowitz By Walter M. Miller Jr. READ
✔36. The Time Machine by H.G. Wells READ
✔37. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea By Jules Verne READ 8/20/21
✔38. Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes READ
✔39. The War Of The Worlds by H.G. Wells READ
40. The Amber Chronicles by Roger Zelazny READ 1
✔41. The Belgariad By David Eddings 5 VOLUMES, READ
✔42. The Mists Of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley READ
43. Mistborn Trilogy Brandon Sanderson
✔44. Ringworld by LARRY NIVEN, READ
✔45. The Left Hand Of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin READ
✔46. The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien READ
✔47. The Once And Future King BY by T.H. White READ
✔48. Neverwhere by NEIL GAIMAN READ
✔49. Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke READ
✔50. Contact by Carl Sagan READ
✔51. The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons READ
52. Stardust by Neil Gaiman
✔53. Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson READ
54. World War Z An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks
✔55. The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle READ 1/24/21
✔56. The Forever War by Joe Haldeman READ
57. Small Gods A Novel of Discworld by Terry Pratchett
58. The Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson
59. The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. READ 4
60. Going Postal A Novel of Discworld by Terry Pratchett
61. The Mote In God's Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
62. The Sword Of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind
✔63. The Road BY by Cormac McCarthy READ
✔64. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke READ
✔65. I Am Legend by Richard Matheson READ
66. The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist
67. The Sword of Shannara Trilogy by Terry Brooks
68. The Conan The Barbarian Series by Robert E. Howard and Mark Schultz
69. The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb, read book #1 10/21 # 2 1/22
✔70. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger READ
71. The Way Of Kings y Brandon Sanderson
✔72. Journey To The Center Of The Earth by Jules Verne READ
73. The Legend Of Drizzt Series by R. A. Salvatore READ 1M
74. Old Man's War by John Scalzi
75. The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
✔76. Rendezvous With Rama by Arthur C. Clarke READ
77. The Kushiel's Legacy Series by Jacqueline Carey
✔78. The Dispossessed An Ambiguous Utopia by Ursula K. Le Guin READ
✔79. Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury READ
✔80. Wicked The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire READ
81. The Malazan Book Of The Fallen series by Steven Erikson READ 1
✔82. The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde READ
83. The Culture Series by Iain Banks READ 1,2
✔84. The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart READ
✔85. Anathem by Neal Stephenson READ
86. The Codex Alera Series by Jim Butcher
87. The Book Of The New Sun by Gene Wolfe A SERIES
88. The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn
89. The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon
90. The Elric Saga by Michael Moorcock
✔91. The Illustrated Man By Ray Bradbury short works collection READ 5/5/21
92. Sunshine by Robin McKinley
✔93. A Fire Upon The Deep by Vernor Vinge READ
94. The Caves Of Steel by Isaac Asimov
95. The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson
96. Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
✔97. Doomsday Book by Connie Willis READ
98. Perdido Street Station by China Miéville
99. The Xanth Series by Piers Anthony
100. The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis

Edited: Oct 23, 2022, 11:30 am

Horror100 Favorite Horror Stories
✔1. Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley READ
✔2. Dracula by Bram Stoker READ
✔3. Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne READ
✔4. The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe READ
✔5.Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu READ
✔6. The Turn Of The Screw by Henry James READ
✔7.The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen READ
✔8. The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs READ 3/9/21
✔9. The Willows by Algernon Blackwood
✔10. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman READ
11. Oh, Whistle, And I'll Come To You, My Lad by M. R. James and Darryl Jones
12.The Werewolf Of Paris By Guy Endore
✔13. I Am Legend by Richard Matheson READ
14. Let The Right One In By John Ajvide Lindqvist
✔15. The Vampire Chronicles (First Triology) by Anne Rice READ
16. Minion (Vampire Huntress Legend Series) by L. A. Banks
✔17. The Hunger by Alma Katsu READ 12/21
18. Those Across The River by Christopher Buehlman
✔19. Bird Box by Josh Malerman
20. Feed (Newsflesh Series) by Mira Grant
21. World War Z by Max Brooks
✅. The Girl With All The Gifts by M. R. Carey
23. The Shadow Over Innsmouth by H. P. Lovecraft
✔24.The Ballad Of Black Tom by Victor Lavalle
25. The Fisherman by John Langan
26. Laundry Files (Series) by Charles Stross READ 1
27.The Cipher By Kathe Koja
✔28. John Dies At The End by David Wong READ 12/21/21
✔29. At The Mountains Of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft READ
30. All Our Salt-Bottled Hearts by Sonya Taaffe
31. Uzumaki by Junji Ito
32. Communion: A True Story by Whitley Strieber OR Majestic by Whitley Strieber
33. The Repairer Of Reputations by Robert W. Chambers
✔34. The Haunting Of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
35. The House Next Door by Anne Rivers Siddons
36. Burnt Offerings by Robert Marasco
✔37. The Shining by Stephen King
38. House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
✔39.The Elementals by Michael McDowell READ
✅. The Woman In Black by Susan Hill
41. Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis
42. The Bone Key by Sarah Monette
43. Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand
44. Infidel by Aaron Campbell, Jose Villarrubia, Pornsak Pichetshote and Jeff Powell comic
45. The Ruins by Scott Smith
✔46. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier READ
47. 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?' by Joyce Carol Oates
48. The Red Tree by Caitlin R. Kiernan
✔49. Swan Song by Robert McCammon READ
50. 'The Screwfly Solution' by James Tiptree Jr.n short story
51. 'Left Foot, Right' by Nalo Hopkinson
52. Come Closer by Sara Gran
53. Furnace by Livia Llewellyn
✔54. The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter READ
55. Through The Woods by Emily Carroll
56. Sandman by Neil Gaiman, Mike Dringenberg, Malcolm Jones III and Sam Kieth graphic novel
57. Her Body And Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado collection
58. White Is For Witching by Helen Oyeyemi
59. 'Goblin Market' by Christina Georgina Rossetti
60. Experimental Film by Gemma Files
61. 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson READ
✔62. The Collector by John Fowles READ
✔63. The Terror by Dan Simmons
64. Intensity by Dean R. Koontz
65. The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum
66. Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite
67. "Night They Missed the Horror Show" by Joe R. Lansdale
68. Penpal by Dathan Auerbach
69. NOS4A2 by Joe Hill
70. 'Bloodchild' by Octavia E. Butler
✔71. Lord Of The Flies by William Golding READ
✔72. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood READ
✔73. Beloved by Toni Morrison
74. Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Octavia E. Butler, John Jennings and Damian Duffy
75. The Devil In America by Kai Ashante Wilson
✔76. 'I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream' by Harlan Ellison
77. Books Of Blood by Clive Barker anthology
78. The October Country: Stories by Ray Bradbury collection
79. The Weird: A Compendium Of Strange And Dark Stories by Ann Vandermeer and Jeff VanDermeer
80. The Imago Sequence and Other Stories by Laird Barron
81. Alone With the Horrors: The Great Short Fiction of Ramsey Campbell, 1961-1991 by Ramsey Campbell
82. Things We Lost In The Fire by Mariana Enriquez collection
83. Shadowland by Peter Straub
✅. A Head Full Of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay
85. Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin
86. The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
87. 'The Body' by Stephen King
88. 'It's A Good Life' by Jerome Bixby
89. The Other by Thomas Tryon
90. The Troop by Nick Cutter
91. Elizabeth by Ken Greenhall
92. Please, Momma by Chesya Burke
93. Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark by Alvin Schwartz and Stephen Gammell - children
94. Goosebumps (Series) by R. L. Stine children
95. Rotters by Daniel Kraus children
96. ✅ Jumbies/Rise Of The Jumbies by Tracey Baptiste children
97. The House With A Clock In Its Walls by John Bellairs children
98. Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh children
99. Coraline by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean children
100. Down A Dark Hall by Lois Duncan children

Edited: Dec 23, 2022, 10:45 pm

21st Century Cannon

21st century Canon, Maybe
1.The Last Samurai, by Helen DeWitt (September 20, 2000)
✔2. The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen (September 1, 2001) or DISSENT Freedom (August 31, 2010) READ
✔3. Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro (March 3, 2005) READ
4. How Should a Person Be?, by Sheila Heti (September 25, 2010)
5. The Neapolitan Novels, by Elena Ferrante (2011-2015) READ #1
6. The Argonauts, by Maggie Nelson (May 5, 2015)
✔7. 2666, by Roberto Bolaño (November 11, 2008) READ -- DISSENT: The Savage Detectives (March 4, 2008)
✔8. The Sellout, by Paul Beatty (March 3, 2015) READ
9. The Outline Trilogy (Outline, Transit, and Kudos), by Rachel Cusk (2014–2018) READ 1
✔10. Atonement, by Ian McEwan (September 2001) READ
✔11. The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion (September 1, 2005) READ
12. Leaving the Atocha Station, by Ben Lerner DISSENT: 10:04 (September 2, 2014)
✔13. The Flamethrowers, by Rachel Kushner (April 2, 2013) READ
14. Erasure, by Percival Everett (August 1, 2001)
✔15. Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides (September 4, 2002) READ
16. Platform, by Michel Houellebecq (September 5, 2002)
17. Do Everything in the Dark, by Gary Indiana (June 1, 2003)

✅. The Known World, by Edward P. Jones (August 14, 2003)
✔19. The Plot Against America, by Philip Roth (September 30, 2004) READ -
DISSENT: ✔The Human Stain (April 2000) READ
✔20. The Line of Beauty, by Alan Hollinghurst (October 1, 2004) READ
21. Veronica, by Mary Gaitskill (October 11, 2005)
✔22. The Road, by Cormac McCarthy (September 26, 2006) READ
23. Ooga-Booga, by Frederick Seidel (November 14, 2006)
✔24. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, by Junot Díaz (September 6, 2007) READ
✔25. Wolf Hall, by Hilary Mantel (April 30, 2009) READ
26. The Possessed, by Elif Batuman (February 16, 2010)
✔27. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, by Aimee Bender (June 1, 2010) READ
28. Mr. Fox, by Helen Oyeyemi (June 1, 2011)
29. Lives Other Than My Own, by Emmanuel Carrère (September 13, 2011) - DISSENT: The Kingdom (August 29, 2014)29.
✔30. Zone One, by Colson Whitehead (October 6, 2011) READ -DISSENT: Sag Harbor (April 28, 2009)
✔31. Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn (May 24, 2012)
32. NW, by Zadie Smith (August 27, 2012)
33. White Girls, by Hilton Als (January 1, 2013)
34. My Struggle: A Man in Love, by Karl Ove Knausgaard
✔35. The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt (September 23, 2013) READ
36. Dept. of Speculation, by Jenny Offill (January 28, 2014)
37. All My Puny Sorrows, by Miriam Toews (April 11, 2014)
✔38. Citizen: An American Lyric, by Claudia Rankine (October 7, 2014) COMPLETED 2/15/21
39. consent not to be a single being, by Fred Moten (2017–2018), trilogy, 1 the best of the 3. Not fiction.
✔40. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, by Michael Chabon (September 19, 2000) read
41. The Amber Spyglass, by Philip Pullman (October 10, 2000)
42. True History of the Kelly Gang, by Peter Carey (January 9, 2001)
43. The Beauty of the Husband: A Fictional Essay in 29 Tangos, by Anne Carson (February 6, 2001)
✔44. The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse, by Louise Erdrich (April 3, 2001) audio libby
✔45. Austerlitz, by W.G. Sebald (October 2, 2001) READ
✔46. Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters (February 4, 2002) READ
✔47. The Time of Our Singing, by Richard Powers (October 3, 2002) READ
48. The Book of Salt, by Monique Truong (April 7, 2003)
49. Mortals, by Norman Rush (May 27, 2003)
50. Home Land, by Sam Lipsyte (February 16, 2004)
51. Oblivion, by David Foster Wallace (June 8, 2004)
52. Honored Guest, by Joy Williams (October 5, 2004) short stories
✔53. Suite Française, by Irène Némirovsky (October 31, 2004) READ
54. The Sluts, by Dennis Cooper (January 13, 2005)
55. Voices From Chernobyl, by Svetlana Alexievich (June 28, 2005)
56. Magic for Beginners, by Kelly Link (July 1, 2005)
57. The Afterlife, by Donald Antrim (May 30, 2006)
58. Winter’s Bone, by Daniel Woodrell (August 7, 2006)
59. Wizard of the Crow, by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o (August 8, 2006)
60. American Genius, A Comedy, by Lynne Tillman (September 25, 2006)
61. Eat the Document, by Dana Spiotta (November 28, 2006)
✔62. The Harry Potter novels, by J.K. Rowling (1997–2007) READ
63. Sleeping It Off in Rapid City, by August Kleinzahler (April 1, 2008)
✔64. The White Tiger, by Aravind Adiga (April 22, 2008) READ
65. The Lazarus Project, by Aleksandar Hemon (May 1, 2008)
66. Home, by Marilynne Robinson (September 2, 2008) OWN
67. Fine Just the Way It Is, by Annie Proulx (September 9, 2008)
68. Scenes From a Provincial Life: Boyhood, Youth, and Summertime, by J.M. Coetzee (1997–2009)
69. Notes From No Man’s Land, by Eula Biss (February 3, 2009)
70. Spreadeagle, by Kevin Killian (March 1, 2010)
71. Super Sad True Love Story, by Gary Shteyngart (July 27, 2010)
72. Seven Years, by Peter Stamm (March 22, 2011)
✔73. The Sense of an Ending, by Julian Barnes (August 4, 2011) READ
✔74. 1Q84, by Haruki Murakami (October 25, 2011) READ
75. The Gentrification of the Mind, by Sarah Schulman (January 7, 2012) memoir
✔76. Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, by Ben Fountain (May 1, 2012) READ
77. Capital, by John Lanchester (June 11, 2012)
78. The MaddAddam Trilogy (Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flood, and MaddAddam), by Margaret Atwood (2003-2013) READ 1 - DISSENT:
✔The Blind Assassin (September 2, 2000) READ
✔79. A Constellation of Vital Phenomena, by Anthony Marra (May 7, 2013) READ
80. Taipei, by Tao Lin (June 4, 2013)
81. Men We Reaped, by Jesmyn Ward (September 17, 2013) memoir
82. Family Life, by Akhil Sharma (April 7, 2014)
83. How to Be Both, by Ali Smith (August 28, 2014)
✔84. A Brief History of Seven Killings, by Marlon James (October 2, 2014), READ
85. Preparation for the Next Life, by Atticus Lish (November 11, 2014)
✅. The Sympathizer, by Viet Thanh Nguyen (April 7, 2015)
87. The Light of the World, by Elizabeth Alexander (April 21, 2015)
✔88. The Broken Earth trilogy, by N.K. Jemisin (2015-2017) READ
89. What Belongs to You, by Garth Greenwell (January 19, 2016)
90. Collected Essays & Memoirs (Library of America edition), by Albert Murray (October 18, 2016)
91. The Needle’s Eye, by Fanny Howe (November 1, 2016)
92. Ghachar Ghochar, by Vivek Shanbhag (February 7, 2017)
93. The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas (February 28, 2017)
94. All Grown Up, by Jami Attenberg (March 7, 2017)
✔95. The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir, by Thi Bui (March 7, 2017) READ
96. Tell Me How it Ends, by Valeria Luiselli (March 13, 2017)
97. Priestdaddy, by Patricia Lockwood (May 2, 2017) memoir
98. Red Clocks, by Leni Zumas (January 16, 2018)
99. The Largesse of the Sea Maiden, by Denis Johnson (January 16, 2018) short stories
100. Asymmetry, by Lisa Halliday (February 6, 2018)

Guardian top 100 best books of 21st century
✔100. I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron (2006) essay
99. Broken Glass by Alain Mabanckou (2005), translated by Helen Stevenson (2009)
✔98. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (2005), translated by Steven T Murray (2008) READ
✔97. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling (2000) READ
✔96. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara (2015) READ
95. Chronicles: Volume One by Bob Dylan (2004) memoir
94. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell (2000) nonfiction
93. Darkmans by Nicola Barker (2007)
92. The Siege by Helen Dunmore (2001)
91. Light by M John Harrison (2002) SF
90. Visitation by Jenny Erpenbeck (2008), translated by Susan Bernofsky (2010)
89.. Bad Blood by Lorna Sage (2000)
88. Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman (2001) racism, alt hx
87. Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood (2017)
86. Adults in the Room by Yanis Varoufakis (2017)
85. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins (2006)
84. The Cost of Living by Deborah Levy (2018)
83. Tell Me How It Ends by Valeria Luiselli (2016), translated by Luiselli with Lizzie Davis (2017) essay
82. Coraline by Neil Gaiman (2002)
81. Harvest by Jim Crace (2013)
80. Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang (2002) SF short stories own, 12/14/2020 A
79. The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett (2009) nonfiction
✔78. The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin (2015) READ
77. Signs Preceding the End of the World by Yuri Herrera (2009), translated by Lisa Dillman (2015)
76. Thinking, Fast and Slow y Daniel Kahneman (2011) nonfiction
✔ 75. Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk (2009), translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones (2018) bought K 12/10/2020, f2f 2022
74. Days Without End y Sebastian Barry (2016)
73. Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick (2009) nonfiction
72. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff (2019) nonfiction
71. Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware (2000)
70. Notes on a Scandal by Zoë Heller (2003)
69. The Infatuations by Javier Marías (2011), translated by Margaret Jull Costa (2013)
68. The Constant Gardener by John le Carré (2001)
67. The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker (2018) own
66. Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli (2014)
✔65. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (2012) READ
✔64. On Writing by Stephen King (2000) READ
✔63. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot (2010) READ
✔62. Mother’s Milk by Edward St Aubyn (2006)
61. This House of Grief by Helen Garner (2014)
60. Dart by Alice Oswald (2002) book length poem
59. The Beauty of the Husband by Anne Carson (2002) essays
58. Postwar by Tony Judt (2005)
✔57. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon (2000) READ
56. Underland by Robert Macfarlane (2019)
✔55. The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan (2006) READ
54. Women & Power by Mary Beard (2017)
53. True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey (2000)
52. Small Island by Andrea Levy (2004)
✔51. Brooklyn by Colm Tóibín (2009) READ
✔50. Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood (2003) READ
49. Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? By Jeanette Winterson (2011)
48. Night Watch by Terry Pratchett (2002) 29TH disc world
✔47. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi (2000-2003), translated by Mattias Ripa (2003-2004) READ
46. Human Chain by Seamus Heaney (2010)
45. Levels of Life by Julian Barnes (2013)
44. Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit (2004) nonfiction
✔43. Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine (2014) poetry, racism COMPLETED 2/15/21
42. Moneyball by Michael Lewis (2010) nonfiction
✔41. Atonement by Ian McEwan (2001) READ
✔40. The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion (2005) READ
✔39. White Teeth by Zadie Smith (2000) READ
✔38. The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst (2004) READ
37. The Green Road by Anne Enright (2015)
36. Experience by Martin Amis (2000) memoir
35. The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal (2010) memoir
34. Outline by Rachel Cusk (2014) autofiction
33. Fun Home by Alison Bechdel (2006) memoir
32. The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee (2010) nonfiction
31. The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson (2015) memoir
✔30. The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead (2016) READ
29. A Death in the Family by Karl Ove Knausgaard (2009), translated by Don Bartlett (2012)
28. Rapture by Carol Ann Duffy (2005) book length poem
27. Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage by Alice Munro (2001) short story collection
26. Capital in the Twenty First Century by Thomas Piketty (2013), translated by Arthur Goldhammer (2014) NF
25. Normal People by Sally Rooney (2018)
✔24. A Visit from The Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan (2011) READ
23. The Noonday Demon by Andrew Solomon (2001) memoir/depression
22. Tenth of December by George Saunders (2013)
21. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari (2011), translated by Harari with John Purcell and Haim Watzman (2014) NF
✔20. Life After Life by Kate Atkinson (2013) READ
✔19. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night‑Time by Mark Haddon (2003) READ
18. The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein (2007) NF
✔17. The Road by Cormac McCarthy (2006) READ
16. The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen (2001) READ
15. The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert (2014) NF
✔14. Fingersmith by Sarah Waters (2002) READ
13. Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich (2001) NF
✔12. The Plot Against America by Philip Roth (2004) READ
✔11. My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante (2011), translated by Ann Goldstein (2012) READ
✔10. Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (2006) READ
✔9. Cloud Atlas David Mitchell (2004) READ
8. Autumn by Ali Smith (2016)
✔7. Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates (2015) NF
6. The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman (2000)
✔5. Austerlitz by WG Sebald (2001), translated by Anthea Bell (2001) READ
✔4. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro (2005) READ
3. Secondhand Time by Svetlana Alexievich (2013), translated by Bela Shayevich (2016)
✔2. Gilead by Marilynne Robinson (2004) READ
✔1. Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel (2009) READ

Edited: Feb 28, 2022, 7:27 pm


JANUARY - Europe of Asia - Turkish Authors My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk
FEBRUARY - The Holy Land - Israeli & Palestinian Authors
Same Sea by Amos Oz
To the End of the Land by David Grossman
Journey to the End of the Millennium by A.B. Yehoshua
Black Box by Amos Oz
My Michael by Amos Oz

MARCH - The Arab World - Writers from the Arab world

APRIL - Persia - Iranian writers
MAY - The Stans - There are 7 states all in the same region all ending in "Stan"
JUNE - The Indian Sub-Continent - Essentially authors from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
JULY - The Asian Superpower - Chinese Authors
AUGUST - Nippon - Japanese Authors
SEPTEMBER - Kimchi - Korean Authors
OCTOBER - INDO CHINE - Authors from Indo-China
NOVEMBER - The Malay Archipelago - Malaysian, Singaporean and Indonesian Authors
DECEMBER - The Asian Diaspora - Ethnic Asian writers from elsewhere

Edited: Jan 10, 2022, 4:13 am


Wildcard I: Read the movies

Wildcard II: Rereads

January: Children's Classics
1. Prince Caspian, C. S. Lewis

February: Mary Renault & Timothy Mo

March: The Interwar Period (11 November 1918-1 September 1939)

April: Kamila Shamsie & Clive Barker

May: Comic Books/Graphic Novels & Audiobooks

June: Jackie Kay & E. F. Benson

July: The Georgian Era (1714-1837)

August: Espionage

September: Retellings, Continuations, and Non-Series Prequels & Sequels

October: Aminatta Forna & Lawrence Durrell

November: Arthurian Legend

December: Books about books

Edited: Dec 23, 2021, 12:37 pm


JANUARY Graphic novels and/or non-fiction

FEBRUARY Tess Gallagher

MARCH Bernard Malamud

APRIL Jennifer Finney Boylan

MAY 19th Century American Author of your choice

JUNE John Dos Passos

JULY Gish Jen

AUGUST Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

SEPTEMBER Pulitzer Prize Winners


NOVEMBER Native American authors, themes and history

DECEMBER Martha Gellhorn

Edited: Jan 3, 2022, 1:14 pm

Books Read:

ROOTS read:

Dec 23, 2021, 1:25 pm

Thanks for sharing about your very difficult 2021 with your husband's illness and death. Best wishes for your recovery. You have an ambitious reading program set up.

Dec 23, 2021, 1:41 pm

I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your husband. I wish you an easier, happier 2022 with plenty of great books to read.

Edited: Dec 23, 2021, 2:15 pm

>15 sallylou61:, Thank you Sally. My recovery is going okay. My ambitious reading program is a work in progress. I am not obligating myself to anything concrete.

>16 christina_reads: Thank you Christina, I am looking forward to 2022 and reading great books.

Dec 23, 2021, 2:32 pm

Here's hoping that 2022 will be better for you. So sorry for your loss. I love your Cats and will sneak back to see what you are reading specifically for Asia, as that is one of my cats, also.

Dec 23, 2021, 5:28 pm

>18 Tess_W:, thank you, for your words of condolence. I am looking forward to Asian read.

Dec 23, 2021, 9:39 pm

Oh Kristel, I'm so sorry about your husband. I hope 2022 is a kinder year. Take care of yourself.

Dec 24, 2021, 6:25 am

>20 rabbitprincess: Thank you so much for your kind words. I am working on healing myself. It was very hard and I am looking forward to 2022.

Dec 24, 2021, 7:35 am

oh, so very sorry for your loss. so many changes in your life. please take good care of yourself.

Dec 24, 2021, 9:03 am

I am so sorry for your loss. Hoping 2022 brings healing and happiness to you. Like Tess, I am interested to see what you read for the Asian Reading Challenge - I am also doing that one. And I might dip in and out of the American and British ones. I particularly like the read the movies wildcard for the British challenge.

Dec 24, 2021, 10:02 am

>23 Crazymamie:, Thank you. I also am reading by dipping in and out. Not sure about the wildcard tho. I don't watch a lot of movies but, well, maybe....

Dec 24, 2021, 10:35 am

I'm sorry about your husband's passing and hope 2022 is better for you. My sister-in-law lost her husband last month and I drove 3 hours to her house and back yesterday to bring her (and the dog) here for Christmas. Hope you find some comforting reading.

Edited: Dec 24, 2021, 3:09 pm

Oh, Kristel... I did not know about your husband. I'm so sorry to hear this. :'( Belated {{{HUGS}}} to you.

Dec 25, 2021, 2:38 pm

Very sorry to read of the loss of your husband. Here's hoping the 2022 can be a year of recovery and healing for you. One of the many, many things I love about LT is that most of the challenges that I have come across are on a "Take it or Leave it" basis, allowing us to dip in and out as we wish.

Dec 25, 2021, 5:29 pm

Sorry to hear about your husband. I hope your reading brings you some enjoyable hours as you adjust and heal.

Dec 25, 2021, 7:02 pm

>22 majkia:, >25 dudes22:, >26 LibraryCin:, >27 DeltaQueen50:, >28 hailelib:, thank you for your kind words. Reading is a comfort and I am looking forward to reading great books with you all.

Dec 27, 2021, 11:16 am

I am sorry to hear of your loss. Take care.

Dec 27, 2021, 3:10 pm

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Kristel. I hope your reading plan will help bring you some enjoyable time to help your recovery.

Dec 31, 2021, 9:34 pm

Best wishes on knocking a few off your lists. Sorry to hear about your loss. May you find comfort.

Jan 1, 2022, 10:32 am

>30 mnleona:. Thank you Leona and fellow Minnesotan. Best wishes to you for 2022.

>31 VivienneR:. Vivienne Thank you, best wishes for your reading in 2022.

>32 thornton37814:. Thank you Lori for your kind words. Best wishes for your reading year in 2022.

Edited: Jan 14, 2022, 12:01 pm

January 2022 Plans
Alpha RH
Kristen Hannah, The Four Winds COMPLETED 1/3/22
The History of the Siege of Lisbon.
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis Completed
Scaredy: Haunted House The Woman in Black audible library COMPLETED
SFF: The Girl with All the Gifts COMPLETED
Shakespeare: A Thousand Acres Jane Smiley COMPLETED
Author: Indigenous The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich COMPLETED
Random: Home Sweet Home: The Night Watchman and A Thousand Acres COMPLETED

The History of the Siege of Lisbon
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis completed
Billy Bathgate completed
Anniversaries: From a year in the life of Gesine Crespahl Uwe Johnson

The Four Winds COMPLETED 1/3/22
The Brothers K

Prince Caspian COMPLETED

Turkey: My Name is Red - Orhan Pamuk




21st Century

Jan 3, 2022, 7:34 am

Book The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2021
Acquisition date/place: Libby, audio 12/21
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars, but it isn't great literature, its an emotional read
Book description/summary: women warriors in history
Challenge(s): f2f bookclub read, alpha for H
List book:

First book of 2022.

Edited: Jan 4, 2022, 12:54 pm

Book The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2020
Acquisition date/place: Hoopla, 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.7 stars
Book description/summary: historical fiction of 1953.
List book: Pulitzer, 2021

Thomas Wazhashk, a night watchman at a jewel bearing plant and an Ojibwe Councilor, works to comprehend the consequences of a new termination bill drafted by Arthur Vivian Watkins heading to the floor of the United States Congress in 1953.

Jan 3, 2022, 3:07 pm

>36 Kristelh: I've always wanted to read a Louise Edrich. I'm putting this one on my WL.

Jan 4, 2022, 7:43 am

I'm sorry to hear about your loss and hope 2022 will be kinder to you. Good luck with your lists!

Jan 4, 2022, 12:58 pm

>37 Tess_W:. I have read several Louise Erdrich but not sure this was my favorite though I really enjoyed the historical perspective.

>38 MissWatson:. Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts. Best wishes for a great year of reading to you.

Edited: Jan 4, 2022, 2:04 pm

Book The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis by Jose Saramago
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1984
Acquisition date/place: 2013, K, audio 2021
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: Pessoa visits with his heteronym, Reis in political unrest
Challenge(s): Reading 1001 BOTM, alpha R, ROOT
List book: 1001 Books

Ricardo Reis is doctor who has been in Brazil. He returns to Portugal and takes up residence in a hotel until he moves to an apartment. While at the hotel. Reis forms a couple relationships which both are questionable, one is beneath his status, another is a young girl with a disability. Reis is also questioned by the Portugal police with suspicion but not clear what they suspect. Reis moves shortly after this and takes on a locum tenen job. Ricardo Reis is in communication with the ghost of Pessoa. So I was thankful that I read Pessoa's list book; The Book of Disquiet. Pessoa used heteronyms and Ricardo Reis was one of those. The book is also, in some sense, an exercise in meta-literature. Fernando Pessoa had created the character of Ricardo Reis fifty years or so prior to its release, giving him a biography and writing many poems under that name. That Saramago would place the two characters side by side underscores a deliberate blurring of the boundaries between fantasy and reality, a common theme in Saramago's work, and a rejection of traditional limitations on narrative practices. Reis spends much of his time reading a novel called The God of the Labyrinth, a fictional novel mentioned by the writer Jorge Luis Borges and attributed to the title character of his short story "A Survey of the Works of Herbert Quain". This is also a story that reflects the historical time; The Spanish Civil War, unrest in Italy. the rise of fascism in Germany, unreast in Portugal.

Jan 8, 2022, 8:52 pm

Book Billy Bathgate by E. L. Doctorow
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 1989
Acquisition date/place: not sure, 2018, book, audio through libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5 stars
Book description/summary: Billy makes good in the end
Challenge(s): TBR takedown, Reading 1001, ROOT
American: yes
List book: 1001 Books

Edited: Jan 10, 2022, 4:00 am

5. Book The Woman In Black by Susan Hill
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1983
Acquisition date/place: 1/1/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5
Book description/summary: lawyer tells his ghost story
Challenge(s): Haunted houses, alpha H
British: yes
List book: NPR 100 best horror stories

Jan 10, 2022, 4:12 am

Book Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1951
Acquisition date/place: 1/9/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: children return to Narnia to help
Challenge(s): BAC, children's lit
British: Yes
List book:

Jan 12, 2022, 1:12 pm

Book My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1998
Acquisition date/place: 1/11/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 4.1 stars
Book description/summary: art kills/who's the murderer?
Challenge(s): Read for Asian Author challenge.
List book: received many awards

Jan 12, 2022, 3:15 pm

>44 Kristelh: Glad you liked it! I've ordered from my library, should be here in the next week or two.

Jan 12, 2022, 3:50 pm

>45 Tess_W: looking forward to what you think.

Jan 16, 2022, 8:45 am

Book King Lear
Format: Norton Shakespeare
Original publication date:
Acquisition date/place: 2015-10-24 Abe book
Decimal/ Star rating: 4.5 stars
Book description/summary: daughters at odds
Challenge(s): shakespeare challenge CAT, ROOT
British: yes
List book:

Jan 16, 2022, 8:54 am

Book A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley
Format: Kindle
Original publication date: 1991
Acquisition date/place: 4/20/21
Decimal/ Star rating: 4.2 stars
Book description/summary: father and daughters fall apart
Challenge(s): Shakespeare retelling, Pulitzer, ROOT
American: yes
List book: Pulitzer

Edited: Jan 16, 2022, 9:03 am

Book The Girl With All the Gifts by M. R. Carey
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2014
Acquisition date/place: Jan 2022, Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: virus reset
Challenge(s): SFFkit, morally grey character, NPR best horror
British: British author (male)
List book: NPR best horror

Jan 16, 2022, 9:09 pm

>49 Kristelh: Truly one of the scariest books I have ever read!

Jan 17, 2022, 2:47 pm

Book The History of the Siege of Lisbon by José Saramago
Format: audio/kindle
Original publication date: 1989
Acquisition date/place: 2013, kindle edition, audio 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 2.8
Book description/summary: history is "not"
Challenge(s): reading 1001 botm, ROOT
List book: 1001 Books

Jan 18, 2022, 6:27 pm

>44 Kristelh: I think you liked that one a little better than I did.

>47 Kristelh: I listened to a full cast audio of that one, but I'm kind of thinking I may want to read the one for February or at least listen to it while following along.

Jan 19, 2022, 12:13 pm

>52 thornton37814:, listening and reading along is probably the best.

Edited: Jan 22, 2022, 8:35 am

Book The Bronte Plot by Katherine Reay
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2015
Acquisition date/place: 6/18/20, Audio File Summer program
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: life of stories visits London
Challenge(s): Alpha, ROOT
American: yes
List book:

Edited: Jan 26, 2022, 2:53 pm

Book Royal Assassin
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1996
Acquisition date/place: 1/2022, Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: regal treachery, skill and wit
Challenge(s): RH alpha
American: yes
List book: NPR 100 best SFF

Edited: Mar 1, 2022, 2:38 pm

February 2022 Plans
Alpha AB

Read: Black Box by Amos Oz and The Orchard by Yochi Brandes, Baltesar and Blimunda


SFF: Time Travel - Ubik by Phillip K. Dick

Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing

Author: 19th century: The House by the Medlar Tree Giovanni Verga and Michael Kohlhaas Heinrich von Kleist

CatWoman: women in translation, The Orchard - Yochi Brandes

The House by the Medlar Tree COMPLETED
Michael Kohlhaas COMPLETED
TBR: Baltasar and Blimunda COMPLETED
Anniversaries: From a year in the life of Gesine Crespahl Uwe Johnson 9%
Quarterly: Metamorphoses by Ovid 3 HRS REMAINING

A Head Full of Ghosts Paul Tremblay, COMPLETED
The Brothers K by David James Duncan, completed 2/2/22 COMPLETED

Mary Renault NO
Timothy Mo NO

To the End of the Land David Grossman COMPLETED
The Orchard - Yochi Brandes COMPLETED
Amos Oz My Michael or Judas, The Same Sea and Black Box COMPLETED
Journey to the End of the Millennium A.B. Yehoshua

American: Tess Gallagher no

Booker: Hotel du Lac no

Pulitzer: none

21st Century: none

Feb 2, 2022, 12:13 pm

Book The Brothers K by David James Duncan
Format: Kindle/audio
Original publication date: 1992
Acquisition date/place: 10/5/2015
Decimal/ Star rating:
Book description/summary: American twist of Russian brothers K
Challenge(s): f2f bookclub
American: yes
List book: Nancy Pearl recommendation

Edited: Feb 2, 2022, 1:47 pm

Book The Same Sea - Amos Oz
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1999
Acquisition date/place: 2/2/22, Hoopla
Decimal/ Star rating: 2.75, just a bit too much erotica for me
Book description/summary: Father, son, woman
Challenge(s): Asian/Holy Land Doublespin Litsy

Edited: Feb 3, 2022, 2:25 pm

Book The House by the Medlar Tree by Giovanni Verga
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1881
Acquisition date/place: 2/2/22, Hoopla
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: The berries lost the anchovies
Challenge(s): Reading 1001 botm, 19th century author
List book: 1001 Books

Feb 6, 2022, 8:53 pm

Book Michael Kohlhaas by Heinrich von Kleist
Format: kindle e book
Original publication date: 1810
Acquisition date/place: 12/20/21
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: eat paper and die
Challenge(s): Reading 1001 BOTM, ROOT
List book: 1001 books

Feb 7, 2022, 2:30 am

>60 Kristelh: "eat paper and die" Ha! That's the best summary I've ever read of Michael Kohlhass!
To be honest, it's not my favourite, but good to see you liked it.

Feb 8, 2022, 7:06 pm

>61 MissBrangwen:, so you like the summary better than the book, lol

Edited: Feb 8, 2022, 7:07 pm

Book Baltasar & Blimunda by Jose Saramago
Format: kindle/audio
Original publication date: 1982
Acquisition date/place: 2/10/2013
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.6 stars
Book description/summary: build a convent, get a son
Challenge(s): Reading 1001, TBR takedown
List book: 1001 books

Feb 11, 2022, 6:03 am

Book Ubik by Philip K. Dick
Format: Audio
Original publication date: 1969
Acquisition date/place: 6/24/17
Decimal/ Star rating: 4.5 stars
Book description/summary: the half life of humans
Challenge(s): SFF, time travel & ROOT
American: yes

Edited: Feb 11, 2022, 5:15 pm


Book Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 1598
Acquisition date/place: 2015
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: Much ado about nothing, sums it up
Challenge(s): Shakespeare CAT, ROOT
British: yes
List book:

Feb 13, 2022, 4:49 pm

Book The Seven Good Years by Etgar Keret
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2015
Acquisition date/place: 2/2022 Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: 7 years Israeli author, husband, parent
Challenge(s): Asian author, Holy land
List book:

Feb 16, 2022, 1:53 am

I just love your book summaries!

Feb 16, 2022, 6:53 am

>67 Tess_W: Thank you. I hope they will help me remember the books, intrigue others to read the book, and hopefully not be spoilers.

Feb 19, 2022, 6:14 pm

Book To the End of the Land by David Grossman
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2010
Acquisition date/place: 2/13/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: walking to protect the son
Challenge(s): Asian author; Holy land, Bingo (year I joined LT
List book:

Edited: Feb 20, 2022, 7:17 pm

Book Black Box by Amos Oz
Format: print book
Original publication date: 1987
Acquisition date/place: 1/25/22 ABE books
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5 stars
Book description/summary: write family dysfunction away
Challenge(s): Asian author, 1001 books
List book: 1001

Feb 21, 2022, 8:58 pm

Book Journey to the End of the Millennium - A.B. Yehoshua
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1997
Acquisition date/place: 2/19/22, Hoopla
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: Two wives right or wrong
Challenge(s): Asian/Holy Land, Israeli author
List book:

Feb 24, 2022, 1:02 pm

Book A Head Full Of Ghost by Paul Tremblay
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2015
Acquisition date/place: 2022/February
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.7
Book description/summary: Don't eat the spaghetti
Challenge(s): f2f book club
American: yes
List book: Bram Stoker Award 2015

Edited: Mar 1, 2022, 7:03 am

Book The Orchard by Yochi Brandes
Format: Book
Original publication date: 2011
Acquisition date/place: 3/7/2018, Early Reviewers
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.2 stars
Book description/summary: the sage sees the future
Challenge(s): Asian authors/Holy Land, ROOT, women in translation
List book:

Mar 1, 2022, 7:03 am

Book My Michael by Amos Oz
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1968
Acquisition date/place: February 27, 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: distrust and madness in Jerusalem
Challenge(s): Asian authors/Holy land, TIOLI 4th book by author
List book:

Mar 3, 2022, 4:35 am

Book Metamorphoses by Ovid
Format: audio
Original publication date: 8 AD
Acquisition date/place: 2005?
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: poetry, mythology, legend
Challenge(s): Reading 1001 Qrt
List book: 1001 Books

Mar 3, 2022, 1:02 pm

Book The Gathering by Anne Enright
Format: kindle/audio
Original publication date: 2007
Acquisition date/place: 2015
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.6
Book description/summary: don't always like people we love
Challenge(s): TBR takedown, ROOT, 75er
List book: Pulitzer, 1001 Books,

Mar 6, 2022, 7:32 am

Book Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson
Format: kindle/audio
Original publication date: 1919
Acquisition date/place: Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: can't find love
Challenge(s): group read (75)
American: yes
List book: Modern library top 100

Mar 9, 2022, 1:45 pm

Book The Fixer by Bernard Malamud
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1966
Acquisition date/place: 3/6/22, audible play
Decimal/ Star rating: 4.5 stars
Book description/summary: The Fixer can't fix this
Challenge(s): American Author, 75 Group, Pulitzer Prize Winner
American: yes
List book: Pulitzer

Mar 17, 2022, 1:35 pm

Book Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2017
Acquisition date/place: 3/9/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.9 stars rounded to 4.
Book description/summary: a tempest of playing at play & revenge
Challenge(s): read a retelling of Shakespeare, category challenge
Other Canadian
List book:

Mar 18, 2022, 6:13 pm

Book Time and Again - Jack Finney
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1970
Acquisition date/place: 3/15/2022 Hoopla Digital
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: Love the one you're with, even if she is dead
Challenge(s): Historical SFF, TIOLI, book with Time on cover
American: yes
List book: no
Awards Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire (1994)

Mar 19, 2022, 7:50 pm

Book Professor Martens' Departure by Jaan Kross
Format: book
Original publication date: 1984
Acquisition date/place: February 2022, Daisey
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.4 stars
Book description/summary: too much compliance gets you no where
Challenge(s): Reading 1001 BOTM, 75, TIOLI, EU country, Estonia
List book: 1001 Books

Mar 25, 2022, 6:05 am


Book Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2020
Acquisition date/place: 4/9/21, Audible
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.6 Children raising parents
Challenge(s): f2f bookclub, Booker winners
British: Glasgow, UK
List book: Booker

Edited: Mar 27, 2022, 10:13 am

Book No Knives in the Kitchens of this City by Khālid Khalīfah
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2013
Acquisition date/place: 3/2022 Audible Play
Decimal/ Star rating: 1 star
Book description/summary: violent, sexualized Arab literature
Challenge(s): Asian authors/Arab
Other Syrian
List book:

Edited: Mar 30, 2022, 2:22 pm

Book The Hothouse by Wolfgang Koeppen
Format: book
Original publication date: 1953
Acquisition date/place: used book, not sure where I bought it
Decimal/ Star rating: hmm, I probably will give it 3 stars
Book description/summary: in the hothouse of politics
Challenge(s): Reading 1001 botm
List book: 1001 Books

Mar 30, 2022, 2:21 pm


Book The Raven's Tale by Cat Winters
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2019
Acquisition date/place: 6/24/21
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: the hardship of man and muse
Challenge(s): TIOLI, ROOT
American: yes
List book:

Apr 1, 2022, 7:17 am

March Summary:
Alpha PS
Shuggie Bain
Professor Martens' Departure

1001 Books:
Metamorphoses by Ovid
The Gathering by Anne Enright
The Hothouse by Wolfgange Koeppen
Professor Martens' Departure

Scaredy: 🚫

SFF: Time Travel - Ubik by Phillip K. Dick

Shakespeare: Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood

Author: published after 40, Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson

CatWoman: Pioneer 🚫

Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stewart

British: 🚫

No Knives in the Kitchens of this City by Khalid Khalifah

American: Bernard Malamud The Fixer

The Gathering, 2007
Shuggie Bain 2020

The Fixer by Malamud

21st Century:🚫

The Hothouse
The Gathering
The Raven's Tale by Cat Winter

Total books read: 11

Best Book of the Month
The Fixer

Apr 3, 2022, 8:18 pm

Book L'Assommoir by Emile Zola
Format: audio book, narrated by Leighton Pugh
Original publication date: 1876
Acquisition date/place: March 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: drinking den numbs the pain
Challenge(s): Reading 1001 botm, doublespin
List book: 1001 books

Apr 3, 2022, 8:50 pm

4 stars for a 1001 book! I will look into this! Most of my 1001 are 2's!

Apr 4, 2022, 2:03 pm

Book God: A Human History by Reza Aslan
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2017
Acquisition date/place: 4/3/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: Man is God, everything is God
Challenge(s): Asian authors; Iran
List book:

Apr 4, 2022, 2:10 pm


Book Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte
Format: nook/audio
Original publication date: 1847
Acquisition date/place: 1/2/2012
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5
Book description/summary: independent woman takes on spoiled children
Challenge(s): TBR take down, 1001 Books, ROOT
British: yes
List book: 1001

Apr 5, 2022, 6:50 am

>41 Kristelh: One of the few Brontes I have not yet read. It languishes on my TBR.

Edited: Apr 5, 2022, 8:55 am

>91 Tess_W: yes, sat on my shelf for 10 years.

Apr 6, 2022, 8:48 pm

Book The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2003
Acquisition date/place: 4/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: Nac Mac Feegle, Toad, Tiffany go on a quest
Challenge(s): Read for SFF, LIfespans
British: yes
List book:

Apr 7, 2022, 12:54 pm

Book Radioactive Marie & Pierre Curie A Tale of Love and Fallout
Format: Graphic Nonfiction
Original publication date: 2011 (according to the book)
Acquisition date/place: 3/17/22, Lee County Library
Decimal/ Star rating: 4.4 stars
Book description/summary: Love and Fallout sums it up
Challenge(s): no reason, was intrigued
American: yes
List book:

Apr 7, 2022, 1:22 pm

>94 Kristelh: I just loved that GN!

Apr 8, 2022, 5:32 am

>95 Tess_W: I agree, it deserved a lot more recognition than it seems to have gotten.

Apr 9, 2022, 8:44 pm


Book My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2021
Acquisition date/place: 4/7/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5 stars
Book description/summary: Final girls finish
Challenge(s): Horror, TIOLI (closed compound noun)
American: Native American
List book:

Apr 11, 2022, 11:15 am

Book After Me Comes the Flood by Sarah Perry
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2014
Acquisition date/place: 4/2022, Hoopla
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.3 stars
Book description/summary: Deluge sets man free
Challenge(s): Category challenge: debut, random (rain).
British: yes
List book: no

Apr 14, 2022, 4:00 pm

Book Republic of Imagination: America in Three Books by Azar Nafisi
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2014
Acquisition date/place: 4/2022, Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 5 star
Book description/summary: Reading is freedom
Challenge(s): Iranian author; Asian author challenge

Edited: Apr 16, 2022, 12:33 pm


Book Something Rotten by Jasper Fforde
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2004
Acquisition date/place: 4/14/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: where ever you go there you are
Challenge(s): Shakespeare; Hamlet
British: yes
List book:

Apr 19, 2022, 6:14 am

Book Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2021
Acquisition date/place: 4/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: Grace and Rocky's suicide mission
Challenge(s): f2f
American: yes
List book: no

Edited: Apr 27, 2022, 9:58 am

Book Such a Fun Age
Format: audio
Original publication date: 12/13/2019 reprint in 2021
Acquisition date/place: 4/2022, Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5 stars
Book description/summary: young black lady meets white privilege woman
Challenge(s): women authors of color
American: yes
List book: long listed for Booker

May 3, 2022, 11:40 am


Book Main Street by Sinclair Lewis
Format: Book, audio
Original publication date: 1920
Acquisition date/place: my shelf and also Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: I think it will be around a 3, it was okay
Book description/summary: Dissatisfaction follows you wherever you go
Challenge(s): Reading 1001 BOTM, Reading a book set in your country
American: yes
List book: Sinclair Lewis, Nobel Prize winner

May 5, 2022, 3:48 pm

Book King Richard II by William Shakespeare
Format: audio and book
Original publication date: 1597
Acquisition date/place: purchased complete Shakespeare, listened to audio by Blackstone, various readers
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: poor king, ends badly, begins King Henry
Challenge(s): Shakespeare CAT
British: yes
List book:

May 6, 2022, 2:42 pm

Book Of Beetles and Angels by Mawi Asgedom
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2002
Acquisition date/place: Summer AudioFileSync Program (Sora)
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: immigrants story of coming to America
Challenge(s): ROOT, something that flies
American: yes, immigrant Ethiopian
List book:

May 8, 2022, 9:26 pm

Book How to get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia by Mohsin Hamid
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2014
Acquisition date/place: 5/6/22, Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.2 stars
Book description/summary: boy makes good, but life is brief
Challenge(s): Asian authors "stans"
List book:

May 11, 2022, 9:04 am

Book Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1945
Acquisition date/place: 5/6/2022 Audio, Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: fearless girl takes care of self
Challenge(s): Reading 1001, botm May
List book: 1001 Books

May 11, 2022, 10:01 am

>107 Kristelh: Read all the Pippi's when I was younger (over & over).

May 11, 2022, 10:51 am

>108 Tess_W:, I think I did too but for some reason, I don't remember them except I knew I liked them. I also read Doctor Dolittle but I think those books have fallen out of favor.

May 11, 2022, 9:50 pm

I don't think I ever read "Pippi"!

May 11, 2022, 9:56 pm

>110 LibraryCin:, it's a quick read if you ever find a place to put it for one of your challenges.

May 11, 2022, 10:19 pm

>111 Kristelh: Thanks! I just might.

May 13, 2022, 12:37 pm

Book Rook by Sharon Cameron
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2015
Acquisition date/place: Sora, Free 6/3/21
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Genre young adult, adventure, fantasy
Book description/summary: Rook makes Right in Paris
Challenge(s): TIOLI, flying animal
American: yes, Nashville, TN
List book:
Awards YALSA best fiction for young adults 2016

May 13, 2022, 12:53 pm

Book The Patience Stone by Atiq Rahini
Format: Audio
Original publication date: 2008
Acquisition date/place: Hoopla 5/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 4
Book description/summary: husband finally listens
Challenge(s): Asian authors, the 'stans'
Genre: fiction, speculative
List book:
Awards Prix Goncourt

Read this for the Asian author Challenge, Atiq Rahini is a Afganistan writer and film maker. He has taken asylum and is now in France. Rahimi won France's most prestigious literary prize, the 105-year-old Prix Goncourt for Syngué Sabour. Translated to English as The Patience Stone. He has directed a film of Syngue Sabour. In this story, the unnamed woman discusses the husband, the war and a woman's life in Afghanistan. In the introduction to the story, it mentions how brave it was for the author to write this book. It is based on a legend of a stone that you can tell all your life dreams and troubles to and that the stone will never tell.

Edited: May 16, 2022, 8:11 pm

Book The Android's Dream by John Scalzi
Format: audible
Original publication date: 2007
Acquisition date/place: audible, 8/31/2017
Decimal/ Star rating: 2.4 stars, reason, humor, language and sexual content
Book description/summary: the sheep goes to war
Challenge(s): SFF invasion
American: yes
List book: no

Likes: humor
Dislikes language/sexual content

May 18, 2022, 5:18 pm

Book The Whisper Man by Alex North
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2018
Acquisition date/place: 5/16/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5 stars
Book description/summary: victims raising victims
Challenge(s): f2f bookclub read 5/2022
British: yes
List book:
Genre mystery, thriller, psychological thriller

Liked: it was engaging, last half better than first half
Disliked: hard to not get lost in the jumping around in time and place. Sometimes it felt implausible.

May 19, 2022, 10:17 am

Book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Format: book, hardback
Original publication date: 1969
Acquisition date/place: 2005 to 2008 ???
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars, 5 stars for art, 4 stars for final
Book description/summary: from egg to flight
Challenge(s): TIOLI, author died in 2021
American: yes
List book: 1001 Children's books
genre children's book age 0-3.
Like: the art work, done with collage and bright colors
Disliked: story is okay, but not that engaging, my grands were never drawn to it.

May 23, 2022, 10:50 pm

Book The Art of Dying: Living fully into the Life to Come by Rob Moll
Format: book
Original publication date: 2010
Acquisition date/place: Amazon
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: facing death/preparing for it
Challenge(s): Random; May Flowers
American: yes
List book: no
genre nonfiction, death
What I liked: "you showed your family how to live, now I am going to show them how to die"
What I didn't like: Chapter 4

May 30, 2022, 8:52 am

62. Book Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2017
Acquisition date/place: Libby, 5/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: Immigrant, Muslim experience in a world of terror
Challenge(s): Asian author, 'stans'
British: British/Pakistani
List book: Women's Prize for Fiction
genre literature, fiction
Liked: perspective of non terrorist, immigrant
Disliked: some sexual content

May 30, 2022, 12:59 pm

63. Book Tyll by Daniel Kehlmann
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2017
Acquisition date/place: Audible, 1/1/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.7
Book description/summary: Trickster through 30 years of war.
Challenge(s): Randomizer, Reading 1001
List book: 1001, German
Genre historical fiction with magic
Like: learned a bit about 30 year war, trickster mythology, retelling of Antigone
Dislike: hard to engage

May 30, 2022, 8:05 pm

>119 Kristelh: On my WL, glad to read your notes!

Edited: Jun 5, 2022, 6:00 pm


Book Underworld by Don DeLillo
Original publication date: 1997
Acquisition date/place: 10/19/2018
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.9 stars
Book description/summary: follow the ball
Challenge(s): Reading 1001, 2nd Q read 2022.
American: yes
List book: 1001 books
genre postmodern, historical fiction
Liked: liked the historical setting of 50s,60s, liked the use of baseball to connect the sprawling story
Disliked: Sprawling story. Some unsavory language

Jun 5, 2022, 6:00 pm

Book At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O'Brien
Format: book (K), audio (hoopla)
Original publication date: 1939
Acquisition date/place: 1/20/20
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: characters turn on writer
Challenge(s): Reading 1001, June BOTM
British: UK, Irish author
List book: 1001, Guardian
genre modernism/fiction
Liked: humor, folklore, Anglo/Gaelic sentences
Disliked: loose, disconnected structure

Jun 5, 2022, 6:01 pm

Book The Wild Keeps Her Holy - Tiffany Aurora
Format: book
Original publication date: 2018
Acquisition date/place: 2019
Decimal/ Star rating: 2 stars
Book description/summary: poetry, most read like some kind of borderline with occasional use of the "f" word which I really detest
Challenge(s): Bookspin Bingo (used books with Wild titles.
American: yes
List book: no, only 4 people on LT have listed this book.
genre poetry
Liked: liked the drawings, liked this "Yes, there are many fish in the sea. Just be certain you are swimming in the right ocean--before you cast, your nets."
Disliked: the subject not my choice and dislike the use of the f word.

Jun 9, 2022, 10:18 pm

Book The Wings of the Dove - Henry James
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 1902
Acquisition date/place: 1/20/2016
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5
Book description/summary: what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.
Challenge(s): TBR takedown, 1001, ROOT
American: yes
List book: 1001, Guardian, etc
Genre literary fiction, classic
Liked: I liked the ending, good job with that, like the symbol of a dove
Disliked: author is too wordy

Edited: Jun 9, 2022, 10:34 pm

Book Julius Caesar by Shakespeare
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1623
Acquisition date/place: 8/29/14
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: beware the ides of March
Challenge(s): Shakespeare cat challenge
British: yes
List book:
genre play, history

Liked: easier to follow than some, familiar
Disliked: sometimes its hard to listen to plays

Edited: Jun 11, 2022, 5:20 pm


Book Dubliners by James Joyce
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 1914
Acquisition date/place: 2016
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: birth of characters
Challenge(s): books set in European capitals, ROOT
List book: no
genre short stories
European Capitals Dublin
Liked: Irish characters that show up in his later work
Dislike: stories are short

Jun 13, 2022, 1:16 pm

Book The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 2006
Acquisition date/place: 11/16/2013
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.6
Book description/summary: New York to India, life is hard
Challenge(s): Asian Author (India), ROOT, 1001, Booker-2006.
List book: 1001, Booker, National Book Critics Circle Award, etc

Edited: Jun 16, 2022, 9:33 pm

Book Miss Mapp by E.F. Benson
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1922
Acquisition date/place: 6/13/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars, 5 for good fun
Book description/summary: golf,bridge, and duels
Challenge(s): BAC
British: yes
List book: no
Genre,fiction, comedy or manners
Liked: just good, clean fun
Disliked: can't think of anything to dislike

Edited: Jun 20, 2022, 10:53 pm

Book Stiff by Mary Roach
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2003
Acquisition date/place: 6/13/14
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: to compost or not
Challenge(s): nonfiction book by woman
American: yes
List book:
genre nonfiction
liked: I learned about "green movements" in death and what to do with bodies
disliked: it was informative but some of it was not pleasant

Jun 22, 2022, 10:05 pm

Book Crescendo: The Story of a Musical Genius Who Forever Changed a Southern TownFormat: audio
Original publication date: 2019
Acquisition date/place: 6/10/2021
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: resiliency and friendships join for good
Challenge(s): alphaCAT, ROOT
American: yes
List book:
genre biography
Liked: good example of resiliency
Disliked: ?

Jun 29, 2022, 9:26 pm

Book Cleopatra: a life by Stacy Schiff
Format: audio/book
Original publication date: 2010
Acquisition date/place: 9/28/2014
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: Strong woman Rules shrewdly
Challenge(s): nonfiction, women author, alpha C
American: yes
List book:
Genre nonfiction
Liked: learned things I did not know, did Shakespeare get it right? How about the movie?
Disliked: it was a bit dry

Edited: Jun 30, 2022, 9:34 pm

75. WooHoo!!!

Book Life is a Caravanserai: Has Two Doors I Came in One I Went Out the Other - Emine Sevgi Özdamar
Format: book
Original publication date: 1993
Acquisition date/place: 5/10/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.8 stars
Book description/summary: from foetus to young adult via Istanbul, Bursa, Ankara and back to Istanbul.
Challenge(s): Reading 1001, alpha C,
List book: 1001
genre memoir/fiction
Liked: a story of a woman's life, I liked to dialogue of death on page 239 and I love the description of the food which I know as being yummy!
Dislike: it's a bit crude and gotta wonder if it is culturally true, but it might be.

Jun 30, 2022, 9:34 pm

Book A Wild Winter Swan by Gregory Maguire
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 2020
Acquisition date/place: 6/12/20 Early Reviewers copy
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: Girl meets Swan Boy
Challenge(s): ROOT, Doublespin
American: yes
List book: no
genre fantasy, retelling
Liked: the Christmas theme
Disliked: not engaging

Jul 1, 2022, 10:12 am

Congrats on hitting 75 books! I'm just a few away myself.

Edited: Jul 1, 2022, 8:01 pm

Book The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes by anonymous
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1554
Acquisition date/place: Hoopla 7/1/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.8
Book description/summary: history of a pheasant
Challenge(s): 1001, TBR takedown
List book: 1001 books
genre classic, picaresque
Liked: it was humorous, it was short
Disliked: the accent of narrator was so strong it was hard to follow

Jul 2, 2022, 9:28 pm

Book The Rape of Nanking
Format: Iris Chang
Original publication date: 1997
Acquisition date/place: 6/3/2016
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.8 stars
Book description/summary: Unknown history of Sino-Japan War
Challenge(s): ROOT
American: yes
List book: no
genre nonfiction
Liked: learned something and reinforced that you can't trust history
Disliked: some repetition I think

Jul 3, 2022, 4:41 am

>137 Kristelh: great book!

Jul 3, 2022, 7:16 am

>138 Tess_W: yes it was but such a sad story of the author

Edited: Jul 5, 2022, 5:31 pm

Book The Love Wife Gish Jen
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2005
Acquisition date/place: 7/2/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: funny, sad story of kinship, family
Challenge(s): American Author Challenge
American: yes
List book: no
genre fiction
Liked; it was easy to engage
Disliked: my liking of characters changed as book progressed, it was funny but also so sad

Jul 6, 2022, 9:35 pm

Book The Dog Stars by Peter Heller
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2012
Acquisition date/place: 9/20/18
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.4 stars
Book description/summary: Jasper spurs man on
Challenge(s): ROOT, RandomCAT, Bingo
American: yes
List book: no
Genre post apocalyptic
Liked: the nature, the Cessna
Disliked: the sex scenes

Jul 11, 2022, 8:52 pm

Book Vinegar Girl by Anne Tyler
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 2016
Acquisition date/place: 2/17/2016
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: mice bring them together
Challenge(s): ShakespeareCAT, ROOT
American: yes
List book: no
Genre retelling Shakespeare
Liked: Kate does grow
Disliked: characters weren't quite believable

Jul 11, 2022, 10:57 pm

Book Pavel's Letters by Manika Maron
Format: Kindle book
Original publication date: 1999
Acquisition date/place: 6/14/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: identity in family
Challenge(s): Reading 1001
List book: 1001
European Capitals Berlin
Genre nonfiction, biography, history, political

Jul 12, 2022, 11:05 am

Book Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Siji.
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 2000
Acquisition date/place: 10/21/2018
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.8 stars
Book description/summary: dangers of reading
Challenge(s): Asian author, ROOT
List book: no
Genre semi autobiographical fiction
Liked: interesting story about reeducation/communism, China
Disliked: sad to burn books

Jul 15, 2022, 11:04 pm

Book Salem's Lot by Stephen King
Original publication date: 1975
Acquisition date/place: 7/12/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: vampires should be like viruses and not destroy their food.
Challenge(s): Scaredykit
American: yes
List book:
genre horror
Liked: dracula retelling
Disliked: sexual content

Jul 19, 2022, 12:56 pm

Book The Lincoln Highway byk Amor Towles
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2021
Acquisition date/place: July 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.9 stars
Book description/summary: Presidential joy ride quest.
Challenge(s): f2f bookclub July 2022
American: yes
List book: lots of best lists
genre adventure fiction
Liked: the Lincoln Highway
Disliked: jumped around, disorganized, too much detail.

Jul 23, 2022, 11:31 am

BookReading Dangerously: The Subversive Power of Literature in Troubled Times- Azar Nafisi
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2022
Acquisition date/place: audible, 4/10/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 2.5 stars
Book description/summary: more politics than book about books
Challenge(s): read a book you meant to read earlier
Other Asian (Iran)
List book:
genre nonfiction
Liked: the review of Grossman's To The End of the Land
Disliked: hostile, angry discourse of US politics

Edited: Jul 24, 2022, 11:59 am

Book Sputnik's Guide to Life on Earth by Frank Cottrell Boyce
Format: Audio
Original publication date: 2019
Acquisition date/place: 7/22/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: alien comes as man's best friend
Challenge(s): Category: read a book that features a dog
British: yes
List book: no
Genre children's book
Liked: light hearted
Disliked: nothing

Jul 24, 2022, 10:36 am

>148 Kristelh: YAY! Glad you liked it :)

Jul 26, 2022, 2:21 pm

Book Winter Solstice
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2000
Acquisition date/place: July 2022, Hoopla
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: all ends well
Challenge(s): TIOLI, also recommended to me by Church book group
British: yes
List book:
Genre romance
Liked: I liked the setting
Disliked: it was very predictable feel good book.

Jul 26, 2022, 2:28 pm

Book Her Private's We
Format: e-book
Original publication date: 1929
Acquisition date/place: 5/25/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: war's a strumpet
Challenge(s): Reading 1001, botm July 2022, TIOLI pronoun
British: yes
List book: 1001 books
genre memoir
Liked: the character development
Disliked: the violence and language fit the book.

Jul 31, 2022, 7:25 pm

Book Milkman - Anna Burns
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2018
Acquisition date/place: 7/26/22, Hoopla
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.6 stars
Book description/summary: Young girl takes on The Trouble
Challenge(s): Booker Prize
other Northern Ireland
List book: Booker
Booker Prize (2018)
Women's Prize for Fiction Shortlist (2019)
National Book Critics Circle Award (Fiction, 2018)
Orwell Prize (Political Fiction, 2019)
Booker 2018
The Morning News Tournament of Books (Quarterfinalist, 2019)
International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award Winner (2020)
genre literature, political, feminist
Liked: enjoyed this story middle sister and also of The Trouble
Disliked: sometimes it was a bit vague on who these people were. Very paranoid which probably fits the situation.

Edited: Aug 8, 2022, 1:18 pm

Book The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
Format: audio/book
Original publication date: 2007
Acquisition date/place: own, Libby audio
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.4 stars
Book description/summary: girl steals books
Challenge(s): real life bookclub
List book:
genre young adult, fiction
Liked: I like the picture of a German family trying to survive the war
Disliked: a lot of swearing

Edited: Aug 8, 2022, 1:21 pm

Book Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2021
Acquisition date/place: Libby, 7/31/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: returning a favor, at odds with the church
Challenge(s): none
List book: longlisted for the Booker
genre novella
Liked: I like the man
Disliked: it leaves you hanging

Aug 8, 2022, 1:16 pm

Book Oscar & Lucinda - Peter Carey
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 1988
Acquisition date/place: 10/29/2016
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.8 stars
Book description/summary: life is a gamble in the lucky land
Challenge(s): TBR takedown
List book: 1001 Books, Booker Winner
Genre literary fiction
Liked: enjoyed the story of two young people in Australia
Disliked: a lot of details that wasn't necessary

Edited: Aug 9, 2022, 4:41 pm


Book The Testaments - Margaret Atwood
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2020
Acquisition date/place: August 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: sisters unite
Challenge(s): Booker, Canadian Literature
List book: Booker (2019)
Genre Dystopia
Liked: the characters
Disliked: Makes Puritans bad people

Aug 9, 2022, 4:40 pm

Book The Amateur Marriage - Anne Tyler
Format: book, audio
Original publication date: 2004
Acquisition date/place: 2014, 9, 14
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.6
Book description/summary: flawed people with no insight
Challenge(s): ROOT, TIOLI
American: yes
List book: no
genre fiction
Liked: flawed characters
Disliked: never any insight

Aug 14, 2022, 8:42 pm

Book Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 2000
Acquisition date/place: 9/27/2014
Decimal/ Star rating: 2 stars
Book description/summary: Sex does not erase isolation
Challenge(s): Asian author challenge, ROOT, Doublespin (Litsy challenge)
List book:
Genre Fiction, Translated fiction
Liked: I like the music, cat, themes that are often found in Murakami books
Disliked: I prefer not to read details of sexual acts.

Aug 19, 2022, 4:52 pm

Book The Only Plane in the Sky: an oral history of 9/11
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2019
Acquisition date/place: 8/2022, Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.8 stars
Book description/summary: what are your memories?
Challenge(s): f2f book club read
American: yes
List book:
genre nonfiction
Liked: I actually enjoyed hearing these stories more than I thought
Disliked: there is a lot of hard truths

Aug 19, 2022, 4:53 pm

Book Saturday Night and Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe
Format: Kindle
Original publication date: 1958
Acquisition date/place: 4/28/18
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.8
Book description/summary: sooner or later you get caught
Challenge(s): Reading 1001, ROOT
British: yes
List book: Reading 1001
Genre literature
Liked: the setting, 50s, working class
Disliked: poor picture of married women

Aug 23, 2022, 3:58 pm

Book Dark Sky Rising: Reconstruction and the Dawn of Jim Crow
Format: audio book
Original publication date: 2019
Acquisition date/place: 8/2022 Hoopla
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: it's what it says it is
Challenge(s): American author challenge
American: yes
List book: no
Genre nonfiction, history
Liked: it seemed to be a fair depiction written at middle school level
Disliked: nothing in particular

Aug 23, 2022, 4:09 pm


Book Light in August by William Faulkner
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1932
Acquisition date/place: 8/31/2017, audible
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.9 stars
Book description/summary: a cast of outcasts
Challenge(s): alpha, ROOT
American: yes
List book: many lists, modern library for one
genre southern gothic lit
Liked: a good representation of problems set in 1932 still relevant today
Disliked: it was hard to follow because of flashbacks and changing narration

Aug 23, 2022, 4:20 pm


Book 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson
Format: nook/audio
Original publication date: 2005
Acquisition date/place: 2011, nook book
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: a quest in search of the deceased
Challenge(s): TIOLI, ROOT
American: yes
List book:
genre young adult
Liked: it was a good book with good morals/character
Disliked: a bit unbelievable but a feel good book

Aug 23, 2022, 4:34 pm


Book The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima
Format: audio
Original publication date: 1954
Acquisition date/place: July 15, 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: young fisher falls for diving girl
Challenge(s): Asian author, Reading 1001
List book: 1001

Aug 25, 2022, 1:16 pm

Book Territory of Light by Yūko Tsushima
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: originally written in serial monthly submissions in 1978, Published as a hardcover in 2019.
Acquisition date/place: 2018, Indiespensible
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: can't stay in the light
Challenge(s): Asian author challenge, ROOT
List book:
genre literature, Japanese, feminism, translated
Liked: I liked the use of light
Disliked: it is hard to like the unnamed narrator

Aug 28, 2022, 9:28 pm


Book The Gap of Time by Jeanette Winterson
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 2015
Acquisition date/place: 4/25/2016
Decimal/ Star rating: 2.9 stars
Book description/summary: Paranoid personality makes a poor friend, husband, father
Challenge(s): ROOT, ShakespeareCat
British: yes
List book:
Genre fiction, literary, retelling
Liked: I enjoyed learning about The Winter's Tale
Disliked: did not like the crass use of sexual words

Aug 31, 2022, 7:50 am

Book The Jumbies
Format: audiobook
Original publication date: 2016
Acquisition date/place: 8/30/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: learn to live in your world
Challenge(s): children's horror
List book: NPR best horror
Genre children's, horror
Liked: this was an entertaining tale of folklore
Disliked: It was good, not much to dislike

Aug 31, 2022, 2:10 pm

I think I am done with finishing books in August though I have one I really still want to get done. 15 read this month. 9 ROOTS

Winners (4+ stars)
Small Things Like These - Claire Keegan
Oscar & Lucinda by Peter Carey
The Testaments by Margaret Atwood
The Only Plane in The Sky: an oral history of 9/11
Saturday Night & Sunday Morning Alan Sillitoe
Light in August by Wm Faulkner
Territory of Light by Yuko Tsushima
The Jumbies by Tracey Baptiste

Not Winners : (Less than 3 stars)
Norwegian Woods by Haruki Murakami
The Gap of Time by Jeanette Winterson
The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery

okay or so/so (3-3.5)
The Amateur Marriage by Anne Tyler
13 Little Blue Envelopes - Maureen Johnson
The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima
Appleseeds - Betty Huizenga

Plans for September: I need to finish The Rings of Saturn before 9/6/22.

September plans
The Perfect Golden Circle - Benjamin Myers (f2f)
Everything Sad is Untrue (a true story)Daniel Nayeri f2f

News from Nowhere - Wm Morris (1001)
Empire of the Sun J. G. Ballard, 1001 tbr
A Gate at the Stairs - Lorrie Moore, 1001

Redeemer: Life of Jimmy Carter TIOLI
My Brilliant Life TIOLI
The Magician TIOLI
1984 a reread, TIOLI
Quiet Strength Tony Dungy
Venus and Adonis - Shakespeare
The Rape of Lucrece Shakespeare
The Drawing of Three
American Gods
The City & the City
Red Mars
An Artist in a Floating World
A River in Darkness

Sep 2, 2022, 12:45 pm

Book The Rings of Saturn
Format: Kindle
Original publication date: 1995
Acquisition date/place: 7/11/2017
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars but probably should be rated higher. Literary device used "the walk" to explore issues of destruction and decay
Book description/summary: walk among the ruins
Challenge(s): ROOT, Reading 1001
List book: 1001, Guardian
Genre fiction written as travelogue
Liked: I liked that it was written like a travelogue and appreciated the exploration of decay and covered a lot of history.
Disliked: it is like a person would think while walking, a bit disjointed but it fits the books goal.

Sep 2, 2022, 12:52 pm

>169 Kristelh: I have that book on my shelf. I started it once, but couldn't finish! Perhaps I will attempt again, later.

Sep 2, 2022, 1:30 pm

>170 Tess_W: it took me a while to read but I am a slow reader.

Sep 2, 2022, 8:10 pm

Book News From Nowhere - William Morris
Format: audio book
Original publication date: 1890
Acquisition date/place: 7/23/22 Audible
Decimal/ Star rating: 2.2 stars
Book description/summary: Utopia if we can get rid of the capitalists
Challenge(s): reading 1001
British: yes
List book:
Guardian 1000 (Science Fiction & Fantasy)
1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (2006/2008/2010/2012 Edition)
Western World's Greatest Books - Project Gutenberg
1898 C.K. Shorter List of Best 100 Novels
Newark Public Library's 1904 List of a Thousand of the Best Novels
Genre fantasy, communist propaganda
Liked: it's over and I don't need to read it again
Disliked: the whole thing

Sep 3, 2022, 9:30 pm

Book Empire of the Sun - J.G. Ballard
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 1984
Acquisition date/place: 9/2/2020
Decimal/ Star rating: 5 stars
Book description/summary: Boy survives horror
Challenge(s): TBR, ROOT, Reading 1001
British: yes
List book: 1001
Genre fiction, autobiography, historical
Liked: depiction of Japan China during WWII
Disliked: the horrors were realistic so it was ok much better than Ballard usual

Sep 7, 2022, 4:24 pm

Book Venus and Adonis by Shakespeare
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 1593
Acquisition date/place: 2014, July 31
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: love story, narrative poem
Challenges Shakespeare, poems, sonnets
British: yes
List book:
Genre narrative poem, classic
Liked: I liked that it was a narrative poem but it wasn't about Greek gods
Disliked: poetry is not my favorite thing but glad to have read it.

Sep 7, 2022, 7:57 pm

Book The Rape of Lucrece - Shakespeare
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 1594
Acquisition date/place: 2014, July 31
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: rape in Rome
Challenge(s): Shakespeare challenge
British: yes
List book:
genre narrative poem
Disliked: that the solution of revenge is to kill self

Sep 7, 2022, 8:09 pm

Book A Gate at the Stairs - Lorrie Moore
Format: book/audio
Original publication date: 2009
Acquisition date/place:
Decimal/ Star rating: 4/29/2017
Book description/summary: racism, war, and clueless
Challenge(s): reading 1001, ROOT
American: yes
List book: 1001 Books
genre fiction, post 9/11 literature
Liked: I liked the descriptions of birds, I liked the humor. descriptions of self righteous liberal idealogy.
Disliked: can anyone be that clueless, yes, fraid so

Sep 7, 2022, 8:33 pm

Book The Perfect Golden Circle - Benjamin Myers
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2022
Acquisition date/place: September 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: male bonding over crop circles
Challenge(s): f2f bookclub, September 2022
British: yes
List book:
Genre fiction
Liked: good character study
Disliked: a bit hard to engage

Sep 16, 2022, 8:10 pm

Book Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by unknown
Format: pdf and audio
Original publication date: 1380
Acquisition date/place: 9/8/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: Middle English epic poetry, Arthurian
Challenge(s): fantasy, quest
British: yes
List book:
Genre epic poetry
Liked: was interesting to read a book about chivalry and values
Disliked: a bit boring, I thought

Sep 16, 2022, 8:17 pm


Book Beowulf by unknown
Format: audio, pdf
Original publication date: 700 - 1000 AD
Acquisition date/place: 9/8/22, on-line
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: clash of pagans and Christians
Challenge(s): quest/fantasy
British: Anglo-Saxon, Old English
List book:
Genre epic poetry
Liked: interesting to read a book of a clash between Pagan and Christian and see the foundation of The Hobbit
Disliked: I disliked the last translation (the cover posted) because it was modernized using swearing, Latino and black in a Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian epic poetry.

Edited: Sep 16, 2022, 8:24 pm

Book My Brilliant Life by Kim Ae-ran
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2022
Acquisition date/place: 9/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: "my dad is so young"
Challenge(s): Korean lit (AAC)
List book:
Genre fiction, novel, Asian lit
Liked: learned a lot about a rare illness
Disliked: it was hard to remember that this book was Korean, it was so "western" in its translation

Sep 17, 2022, 7:20 am

Book A River in Darkness: One Man's Escape from North Korea - Masaji Ishikawa
Format: Kindle
Original publication date: 2017
Acquisition date/place: 4/24/2018
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: No matter where you go, life is hard but at least you can eat
Challenge(s): ROOT, Asian Author Challenge - Korea
List book:
Genre Autobiography, memoir
Liked: like is not a word you can use with this book but I appreciated reading about the hardship of being 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Japanese and of migrating to North Korea.
Disliked: I did not like knowing that he had to leave his family behind to starve

Sep 19, 2022, 4:17 pm


Book Artist of the Floating World - Kazuo Ishiguro
Format: audio and book
Original publication date: 1986
Acquisition date/place: 3/15/17
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.4 stars
Book description/summary: old man faces his past
Challenge(s): alpha KI, ROOT, 1001
List book: 1001
Genre fiction/literature
Liked: I like stories of old people and also the generational look at family/Japan, post WWII
Disliked: its not much plot, character study and that gets a bit slim as well

Sep 22, 2022, 10:06 pm

Book The City & the City by China Miéville
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2009
Acquisition date/place: 2022, Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: police procedural made weird by not seeing, seeing
Challenge(s): ????
British: yes
List book:
genre weird police procedural
Liked: I liked the whole idea of overlapping cities. I feel that it is a commentary on a lot of things we experience in our current lives.
Disliked: over all liked this book and can't think what I disliked.

Sep 24, 2022, 9:59 pm

Book Everything Sad is Untrue by Daniel Nayeri
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2020
Acquisition date/place: 9/2022, Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: its all about food and poop
Challenge(s): CBC group
List book:
Genre Autobiographical novel
Liked: I liked that it shows how we so often misjudge what we don't know
Disliked: that adults allow bullying

Sep 26, 2022, 10:35 pm

120. 120.
Book Quiet Strength - Tony Dungy
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2008
Acquisition date/place: 9/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars, barely
Book description/summary: what it says
Challenge(s): TIOLI, autobiography of someone born in my decade (50s)
American: yes
List book:
Genre autobiography, Christian living
Liked: interesting connection with Minnesota
Disliked: its barely interesting

Sep 27, 2022, 9:29 am

Book Redeemer: The Life of Jimmy Carter - Randall Balmer
Format: audio
Original publication date: May, 2014
Acquisition date/place: 2014
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.3 stars
Book description/summary: Progressive Evangelical; is it possible?
Challenge(s): TIOLI, ROOT
American: yes
List book:
Genre nonfiction, politics, religion
Liked: I learned something
Disliked: biased presentation???

Sep 27, 2022, 11:44 am

>186 Kristelh: This book has been under my consideration for some time. A friend of mine read it and remarked, "the author went on and on about not being biased, so much that it made him biased!" Interesting to see that same word in your review.

Sep 27, 2022, 12:48 pm

>187 Tess_W:, if you eventually read it, I will be looking forward to your reaction/thoughts.

Sep 30, 2022, 1:27 pm

Book The Known World - Edward P. Jones
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2003
Acquisition date/place: 9/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5 stars
Book description/summary: what is and who knows.
Challenge(s): read the Pulitzers 2004
American: yes
List book: Pulitzer
Genre historical fiction
Liked: liked that this was a story of slavery and free
Disliked: it was hard to stay engaged once you set it down.

Oct 2, 2022, 9:28 pm

I'm impressed by the number of 1001 books you've been reading. I've been trying to work on the list myself but am managing only a few each year.

Oct 2, 2022, 9:54 pm

>190 mathgirl40:, Thank you, I've done better this year than some years but it gets harder and harder to find the books.

Edited: Oct 3, 2022, 10:49 pm

Book The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad
Format: Book/audio
Original publication date:1907
Acquisition date/place: 2018/Bookmooch
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.4 stars
Book description/summary: puppets of forces beyond their control
Challenge(s): 1001, TBR takedown, ROOT
List book: 1001
Genre Espionage lit
Liked: I liked that it points out the real victims are innocents
Disliked: it was a bit easy to get lost with the back and forth time frames

Oct 14, 2022, 4:01 pm


Book Crossing the Craton - John McPhee
Format: audio
Original publication date:
Acquisition date/place: Hoopla, 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: inspecting the basement
Challenge(s): AAC
American: yes
List book:
Genre nonfiction
Liked: It's an interesting look at geology
Disliked, basically so so

Oct 14, 2022, 4:02 pm

Book Macbeth by Jo Nesbo
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2018
Acquisition date/place: 2022/Libby
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars
Book description/summary: corruption is everywhere
Challenge(s): read Macbeth/Shakespeare
List book:
Genre Fiction, Crime Fiction, Retelling
Liked: it was entertaining
Disliked: unbelievable

Oct 14, 2022, 4:03 pm

Book Bangkok Wakes To Rain by Pitchaya Sudbanthad
Format: audiobook
Original publication date: 2019
Acquisition date/place: Oct/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3 stars leaning toward 4.
Book description/summary: interconnected stories set in Bangkok and specifically a certain house. Referred to as ecofiction but it also has an element of science fiction.
Challenge(s): Read for Asian Author Challenge/Thai. Author was born in Bangkok and he splits his time between Brooklyn and Bangkok.
List book:
Genre fiction, debut, interconnected stories
Liked: interesting tales
Disliked: sometimes difficult to keep things straight

Oct 14, 2022, 4:03 pm

Book Thirty-Three Teeth by Colin Cotterill
Format: audiobook
Original publication date: 2005
Acquisition date/place: Oct 2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.5 stars
Book description/summary: Hot isn't it?
Challenge(s): Thailand, Asian author focus (he's British but lives in Thailand)
British: yes
List book:
Genre mystery
Liked: I enjoyed the twists and turns of solving crime in the spirit world of communist Laos.
Disliked: very little to dislike unless you don't like paranormal but I thought it was more a lesson in Laotian culture amid communism.

Oct 17, 2022, 7:48 pm

Book Fools of Fortune - William Trevor
Format: book
Original publication date: 1983
Acquisition date/place: 9/4/22
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.6
Book description/summary: destruction casts shadow
Challenge(s): reading 1001, Oct botm
List book: 1001
Genre historical fiction
Liked: I liked that it compared two houses and I liked the secondary characters
Disliked: it was hard to engage and at times it was confusing

Oct 20, 2022, 9:42 pm

Book The Daughter of Doctor Moreau
Format: book/Audio
Original publication date: 2022
Acquisition date/place: 10/18/22 Target/audible
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.4
Book description/summary: Hybrid meets colonialism
Challenge(s): f2f book club read Oct 2022
List book:
Genre Fantasy/horro
Liked: it was okay, unfortunately
Disliked: nothing new here

Oct 26, 2022, 8:08 pm

Book A Fall of Marigolds - Susan Meissner
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2014
Acquisition date/place: 10/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.4
Book description/summary: connecting threads across time
Challenge(s): bookclub
American: yes
List book:
Genre historical fiction
Liked: I liked how the author remained true to events and wove a fiction story around the event
Disliked: the two story lines seemed to have no connections

Oct 27, 2022, 7:07 am

>196 Kristelh: - I've only started getting into audio books this year. I haven't tried a "mystery" yet, but this is one of the series that I read that I've thought about trying.

>199 Kristelh: - I read this earlier in the year on a recommendation from a friend. I liked it a little bit more than you did. I agree that the link between the two story lines was weak, but I liked the writing.

Oct 27, 2022, 3:28 pm

>200 dudes22: Betty, I agree about the writing, it was good and I am going to read more by this author. There was more good than not good about the book.

Oct 27, 2022, 9:35 pm

>199 Kristelh: I read that last year and in general, liked it; it was very historical. I really liked the part about the hospital--very "time period." I didn't like the romance, seemed fake. I listened to this on audio and the reader's voice was just too childish. I, also will look for more from this author.

Oct 31, 2022, 3:35 pm

>202 Tess_W:, Tess, I also listened to audio. I found the hospital part very interesting as well. (being a nurse).

Oct 31, 2022, 3:35 pm

Book Happiness - Aminatta Forna
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2018
Acquisition date/place: 10/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.41
Book description/summary: fitting in
Challenge(s): British Author Challenge
British: yes
List book: no
Genre eco fiction
Liked: I liked the urban foxes and the challenge to overuse of PTSD diagnosis
Disliked: I was so intrigued with the fox descriptions but it didn't go anywhere.

Oct 31, 2022, 3:51 pm

Book The Mountains Sing by Nguyen Phan Que Mai
Format: audio
Original publication date: 2020
Acquisition date/place: Oct 2022 Hoopla Digital
Decimal/ Star rating: 3.8
Book description/summary: war hurts
Challenge(s):Asian author Challenge
List book:
Genre historical fiction
Liked: a look at Vietnam War from Vietnamese perspective
Disliked: sometimes confusing story line

Nov 1, 2022, 7:09 am

133. Finished in October

Book Our Lady of the Assassins by Fernando Vallejo
Format: book
Original publication date: 1994
Acquisition date/place: 8/2022
Decimal/ Star rating: 4 stars
Book description/summary: death rules and nobody dies of boredom
Challenge(s): Reading 1001, translated fiction
List book: 1001
Genre fiction, Latin American
Liked: the writing
Disliked: thankfully a short book because the subject is hard to digest

This topic was continued by Kristel's "The List Goes On" in 2022, part 2.